For all of you testing, here’s what’s new in the latest TestFlight build:
chance for themes/fonts as loot for pulling to clear
tap popup after unlocking loot to check it out
new typography options, mix & match sizes/fonts
all text throughout app reflects text personalization
reintroduced pull down to go back (tap above home bar also active)
minor revisions to Getting Started list
disabled NLP reminders for launch…
disabled buggy toggle all list items for now
Update: Hot Fix TestFlight #2.1
Hot fixes giant padding in last build:
- Header rows are tweaked in height and text offset across all levels.
- Font sizes are slightly adjusted from TestFlight 2
- Getting Started list now renders at normal list sizes, not top-level list sizes
- Fixed a typo in the Settings screen.
- Cartridge-Bold should load properly now.
TestFlight #1: Experimental back gesture
You can collect the following fonts so far:
- San Francisco Rounded
- San Francisco
- Yeseva One
- Cormorant Garamond
- Courier New
- Baskerville
- Helvetica
- Permanent Marker
- Noteworthy
- Grape Nuts
- iA Writer Quattro
- Jet Brains Mono
- Captain Edward
- Cartridge
- Easy Coast
- Hylia
- Partly
- Vault Alarm
- Womprat
- Inter
- Amatic
- Ballet
- Bonbon
- Monoton
- Sarina
- WindSong
Hope you all have some fun with the collectible fonts to mix and match with themes! They’re a preview of the personalizing dimension we’re going to be going deep with on the new Clear.
This is something of a transitionary build though, to start really gearing up for final release. So let me address some questions:
Why are NLP (natural language parsing) reminders disabled?
Basically the natural language side of this single feature is so much more complex and open ended to wrap up and polish, that it could honestly take the rest of the summer to nail this single feature. We would rather ship the rest of the new Clear. The best case scenario is Apple vastly updates their NLP API this WWDC in a way that supports our basic needs, or we decide to ship a simpler version of reminders with a non NLP trigger. What we really want to avoid is every time you make a new item there’s something visually nagging you about making it a reminder, I feel this was a regretful UI design in Clear 1.x. Basically still working on figuring this out.
Why is the medium/default text so big?
First I think we left too much padding in on medium settings making each row taller, which we will fix. I do also have a bias towards larger sizes in Clear, starting with the 1.0. Why? I find it promotes being more concise and less typing, to keep items to a single row, and fills the screen in a more satisfying way when listing or checking things off. But it’s totally possible it’s pushed a little too far in this build and should be dialed back, and it’s not a big deal to tweak these values. Someone was speculating we might be designing/running on a Max, and this is true, charging my test mini as we speak to get a better sense of the other extreme side of screen sizes.
Why is spacing/padding and some font sizes changed in this build?
Basically we had to redo how Clear handles its UI text labels etc. so they will all respect your typography choices in this build and moving forward. We eyeballed it but have some tightening / polish on the values in a future pass and can focus on the main regressions brought up.
P.S. there was another thread started already by the community let me see if I can merge it into here.