Shop Megathread

Amazing update! Thank you :slight_smile:

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There needs to be a new ios feature where you can have two icons at once because I need both the magic book and the composition book ASAP and at the same time


One idea we had for a future widget type is an app icons shortcuts one. So you could set up a small widget with 2x2 slots, set a list + app icon for each, and a color theme for the widget’s bg.

I am all for ideas that expand the use and fun of the collectibles, as long as they don’t feel contrived :slight_smile:


Coming from beta and even back when no work was done just beta was renewed for users to still use… this journey has been amazing.

I have gotten comfortable to using pencil and paper sound and lunar. I don’t see those as options on public release. Any thoughts on them ?


That’s awesome.

Honestly even a year ago, I thought there was at best, a 50% chance that the new Clear would ever make it out of TestFlight. A lot of agonizing over if anybody would even care all these years later, and how it could possibly re-establish itself as some indie business after being basically shambling undead for many years.

But man I am glad enough people do and we finally pushed through with this.

I believe both of them are in the shop pool. I might’ve hid pen & paper in the sound day because I mistakingly thought we were distributing it as a reward. It should return in the shop. (And Lunar I’ll make sure is included in next Space day, 2.1 will add some nice icons for that.)


Pencil and paper sound is the reward for “Prolific Lister” (create new list on 10 separate days) - many users will have claimed this by now.
It’s a great sound - my go-to at the moment.


Thank you, somehow missed that earlier scanning the list. @Anthonyg2879 Lunar should be in the next Space shop day but note this for the sound pack, it’s available via reward unlock.

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Given any more thought to a setting to enable app icons as list icons? Not something I feel strongly about, but I would use it, and would mean me buying lots of icons instead of just like 2.


I still really like the idea! My concern for now is all the people with just a handful of icons unlocked so far etc.

I dunno I could imagine something like our ‘simple formatting’ where if you start a list title with an emoji, it enlarges and formats it more like these icons so you could have some icon for every list.

But I also don’t mind sleeping on this one some more because I figure it only gets more and more appealing as the collection of app icons expands :smiley:


Yeah, David’s just been pumping out icons since I first brought it up so I thought I would circle back. I picture it as a thing you would only really enable when you’re ready to buy enough to match your amount of lists, or are at least able to choose individual generic theme icons. Maybe someday. Emojis do well for me so like I said, more of a sales edge for you than a need for me.

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@phillryu Please can I get full preview of Click Wheel :slight_smile:

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I just put Chicago FLF up on the shop today as a second free font to pair with it.


Legend thank you! Love the retro apple stuff

Hopefully the nice Mac icon in Tastemaker gift rewards comes up in the shop sometime to complete this. :pray:

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I love this! Even emailed you about wanting something like this, so happy to discover it exists.

Maybe clickwheel/vintage Mac sound pack to accompany it?

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Matching sound packs sound intriguing… I wonder if there’s enough to kind of riff on/homage that could be identifiable. Though perhaps for iPod at least we can just try to nail a general ‘gadget’ one with some nice clicks and such.

And @VO3 holding back on teasing some upcoming Apple fan shop content, we’re preparing a bunch to try some kind of a mini-event weekend coming up sometime, maybe later this month or early next.


One of the items in the shop today just says “App Update Required”, but I don’t see any update available in the App Store. I’m not using the TestFlight build, if that matters.


Looking into this. Appreciate the screenshot, missed it here while on the TestFlight with shop disabled.

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TL;DR: Please remove the “Feeling Passionate” and “JT Fire One” fonts from the shop rotation.

A little while ago I completed the Notetaker reward, but it was a bit of a letdown as it turned out that I already had the “Feeling Passionate” font unlocked. I had unlocked this one for free in the shop before I had completed the reward.

I understand if you want to include rewards in the shop as well for people that would prefer to pay for them to get them sooner, but I don’t think it makes sense to include the two fonts in the rewards section as shop options. Because fonts are always free, it really just undercuts those rewards. And with 85 fonts, I don’t think it would be an issue to have two fewer included in the shop.


Stoked to hear this! For whatever it’s worth, I would love an iPod-themed icon to go with this Click Wheel theme.

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Will do! Appreciate the catch on those.

@Jeff some Shuffle inspired ones in the works for the upcoming Apple weekend.