Shop Megathread

Hi there, SUPER delayed response, but I was able to fix it.

For some reason if my wifi is wonky, I can’t open the store. The rest of my phone works fine on data, but just the store is glitchy, nothing else. I even turned wifi completely off in my phone so it would only work off data, but it still would mess up. The only time this has happened is if I’ve needed to reset my router at home (two different instances), and hanging out at Starbucks. Once I connected to the Starbucks wifi, no problem opening the store.

I don’t know if anyone else is having an issue like this, but just thought I’d throw it out there to see if it’s something that’s possible to be fixed on the back end.

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Appreciate the report, so far I haven’t heard other reports on this… But I’ll keep an eye out, it’s a serious issue if it’s locking some real people out of the shop!

So were you saying the times it wasn’t working on home wifi, resetting the router did fix it?

Yes that’s right, resetting my router made it work, but I thought it was weird that even when I disabled wifi on my phone, I still had the same issue with the shop. I thought it was just a weird glitch that was only at my place for some reason, but it happened again at Starbucks, even with wifi disabled again. The shop only started to work again when wifi was enabled and I was connected to it.

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Noted, appreciate the followup report.

Here’s a theme set that will be coming to the 2.1 shop. Perfect for watchlists:


Any chance we could get a preview of the “Ambitious Snake” theme from today’s picks?


Yeah these match like this one:

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streamtube and streamflix is the same right?

Different text color on the task level.

I agree they’re very similar, might try a slightly different take. (Or, just kill off the Youtube one… probably that.)

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@phillryu aren’t these icons in the app in the 2.0.2 version?

The cat you already said it isn’t.

@phillryu The VHS preview logo shows Pong instead of the VHS one today


Seconded. Even trying to buy the vhs showed that I’d be buying Pong instead

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Crap looking into this!

Update: this should be fixed, I accidentally included Pong icon twice which was bugging it up. Might need an app relaunch to re-pull if you’re not seeing icons.


These generally seem reserved for future secret rewards. The white icon was contributed by @novikoff on twitter, I think 2.1 will actually be adding some of these but unlockable via URLs. Will distribute the URLs to the designers to tweet out etc.


VHS shows Atomic Purple
Atomic Purple shows Modular Bricks
Modular Bricks shows Pong

Ok did another round of fixes, I think it should be OK now!

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Yes, now it’s ok.


More for the collector types, we are officially running a little dry on fresh content for the shop :sweat_smile: But the 2.1 will be packed.

E.g. these are the new icons coming in 2.1 shop:

Over the next few days there will be a couple shop days cycling back, but with prep for 2.1’s widgets and per list personalization in mind (latter of which is looking to make it into this update last minute). Similar with a couple quote pack blowout days with 2.1’s upcoming daily quote push feature:

Shooting for 2.1 to be out on the App Store by mid next week or so.


Yesssss, thank you.