Shop Megathread

All the screenshot rewards and the rewards having to do with reminders are just a couple of examples. I’m not a power user so a lot of these rewards aren’t in sync with how I use Clear, which is why it would be nice if they were available in the shop.

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I remember someone had once suggested an option for each reward to purchase them. Technically that still is in line with our ‘nothing functionality wise is gated’. But it feels like adding pay to win to Clear :sweat_smile: But it was an interesting enough idea that I didn’t forget it.

Yes, I have seen the Private Beach theme in the Gift Clear rewards. But first of all, unfortunately some of my friend’s referrals didn’t work, even though they installed the app, and second, while this Gift Clear reward is further down the list (being available after you introduce Clear to 8 people), I noticed that at least 3 other items from the same list (Trendsetter, Super Fan, even Zealot which needs 9 people) already appeared in the Shop at least once. So I was hoping that the rest of it would become available for purchase at some point, too! :innocent:


Ah yeah. Honestly we are cleaning those out of the shop pool! I really want to avoid customers who like, unlock it again later ‘for free’ and regret purchasing it with the current setup, though it’s more of a grey area with the gift rewards I suppose.

(BTW if there’s anyone who purchased ‘also unlockable via rewards’ collectibles without realizing and feels burned, Apple should be able to help with a refund: Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple - Apple Support) We want each of these purchases to be a delightful one and not regretful!)

I totally understand and appreciate your way of thinking! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:t2: However I also purchased some of the gifts which could also be acquired for free, and I don’t regret it. I’m also not planning to ask for a refund, even if I unlock them for free at some later point. First of all because with every purchase we support the Clear team and our favorite app, and second because it was a conscious decision for me, since I didn’t know if I would reach the desired level to get the gift until the referrals work properly, and I thought… I would like to have these items better sooner than later, since I felt I would enjoy them. :smiling_face:



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Speaking of time of day themes, the sunset theme is still coming in as the dusk theme.

Will this also be fixed soon? I did beta testing and the sunset was one of my favorites to use.


Will try to for 2.1 when we’re getting a quick round of fixes in for it.

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Thank you!!! I love this app so much and am so excited about what’s been done to revamp it. You all are awesome.

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I would’ve passed on this beautiful them if you hadn’t posted this. Please put a way to see a full preview picture in the shop or I’ll just pass on most of them tbh. Maybe with a long press preview or something?

We will roll out updated theme icons that preview each level in 2.1 or 2.1.1:


Eagerly waiting for strawberry to show up…My favorite for long time!

I think the superhero and Mario sets were also seamless. I don’t mean the heat map gradient but the “soft lines” as @modigliani mentioned. Simple White has one color, but the lines are there. We might also be discussing the same thing and I’m simply unfamiliar with design jargon. :laughing:

Anyway, yeah, it would be nice if it were an option to turn on or off. Selling themes with both versions is also possible. I’m unsure whether that idea complements Clear’s simplicity principles though.

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Excellently beautiful. :star_struck: I take everything. :money_with_wings: How about Clear X Yellow? Please.

:pencil2: Editing

@phillryu Sketched what the Clear X Yellow theme could look like


The heatmap in itself is a great symbol of Clear’s blend of utility and colorful personality, and will remain the center of gravity of themes designs. But with the personalization side I also think there is a utility to beauty that perfectly suits your personal tastes. So we want to offer more range of options here like this. Or for example, some themes that are lower contrast (like the pastel ‘cream’ ones) but unlock an appealing new vibe etc.

Oh and noted about the lines. We have some interest in supporting more control over that in future themes spec too. (Enabling stuff like college ruled notebook theme with lines and such.) I believe right now the effect you mention is kind of carried by these ‘row highlights’ that can be adjusted, but it has its limits.

@alx_ras good call, that would probably work pretty well for the people who want a Star Wars font pairing too.

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That is the Star Wars theme they already have :slight_smile:

See here:

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Can you share the full preview for Water Turtle please? Usually like darker themes but this one is nice for a light theme


Eagerly awaiting this! My fave themes are those with different colors for different levels, like the original. But with the shop as is, it’s guesswork.

The icon preciew thing looks good, but looks a little small? Could you maybe add a ribbon on the right or similar that shows the colors for different levels of the currently prievewed theme? I kinda want to see it in all its glory, of just at the task level.

That said; are any of the Pokémon themes multiple colored like that? For instance Fire Lizard or Grass Frog? I can haz preview?

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(Electric Mouse is the same per level.)