Shop Megathread

On the subject of themes with repeating colour patterns, I’d love to see one that evoked the coloured loading bars of 8-bit systems like the ZX Spectrum or the Commodore 64. Ideally along with the classic chunky arcade game font from the same era (as used by Namco). I’ve been playing a lot of Llamasoft games lately and their aesthetic leans really heavily into this, but uses it in crazy psychedelic ways that take advantage of the graphical horsepower of modern systems. With a heavy dose of British humour! Check out Here are the games for more info, but the pics below summarise what I mean:

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The Clear Music theme is gorgeous! I don’t know how I missed it, beautiful smooth gradient :heart_eyes:


Bummer - i missed the 420z. Looks groovy.

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Disney+ recently changed their app icon colors. :thinking: Do you think we could also get a variation of the Stream+ theme for Clear, reflecting this change? :slightly_smiling_face:


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@phillryu Any more progress to share on loadouts/tiling yet? I’ve found myself listing out lots of potential icon/theme/font combinations, and lots of potential purchases I’d need to make them happen.

I’ve largely held off buying so far as it’s relatively time consuming switching between combinations, especially if (like me) you have a few different ones you’d use throughout the day.

If I buy more IAP options currently, I’m basically just making more work for myself having to switch between more permutations! However, if it’s easier for people to switch between loadouts with a couple of clicks, I think they would be more likely to explore different variations and in doing so stumble across the ‘missing pieces’ they never knew they needed… :joy:

On that point - is there a live archive of current icons/themes/fonts anywhere? If people could see them all in one place, this may also push them to keep an eye on the store refreshes, in case the one they need for a given loadout becomes available.


Yet another beautiful icon :heart_eyes:


Honestly this is being shuffled further out in the roadmap… this summer is shaping up to be a period of some bigger R&D and engineering projects that target a few of the bigger and thornier problems we want to solve for Clear 2, and it’s requiring a lot of focus and some parallel work from the team.

There will still be new collectibles (David’s been cooking up some nice icons again lately) but I think later this year we will be in a place where we feel like we’ve made the more zoomed out fixes or features Clear 2 needs, and then can shift focus back to more polish and fixing/refinement, and quality of life features like loadouts + fun new collectibles and rewards.

So… might be a bit of a drought of a summer for the collectors, but I do hope to make up for it to you all here after this period of infrastructure investment :pray:


I’m more than satisfied with everything at the moment. I understand everything perfectly. Now the focus is on something else, and other things are a priority. So I can say from myself that everything is fine and I’m ready to wait as long as necessary. Phill’s strength and patience.


Thanks for the update Phill. While I’m naturally a little disappointed to hear loadouts are still some way off (absolutely my top feature request, even over sync), I totally get that you need to prioritise what you feel will be best for the app overall.

At least I know now - I just have to weigh up whether I can wait til later in the year, or just bite the bullet, buy the IAP now and deal with the endless possibilities manually :joy: :sob:

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Appreciate that and @alx_ras!

We don’t have a perfect plan but we have some good stars in the sky to follow for this project. I feel like Clear’s base and community is almost uniquely supportive of this compared to other apps, like the more longterm destination over immediate short term wins, and I think that will take us very far.

Anyways I hope by the end of the year there is closer to universal consensus from Clear fans that the app is in the best shape it’s ever been. :slight_smile:


@phillryu I notice for the second (?) day in a row, there is no longer a separate list of Graphic themes in the shop. Any reason? Have I missed something obvious or am I imagining this? :joy:

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I am thinking about shifting the shop’s daily stock to be a bit more minimal/focused again through the summer with the slower new collectibles releases, hadn’t really figured out a specific plan but I think this is where I’m going with it. Probably some more specific daily shop themes than the broader lineups that were becoming pretty sprawling.

(And honestly had always had plans to keep those sections like bestsellers semi-regularly updated but haven’t been able to make that happen with some other stuff to focus on lately and don’t love them feeling stale!)

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Yeah, that makes sense. Makes each day’s shop that bit more exciting, especially if (like me) you’d earmarked a few odds and ends to buy. I suppose I’d better grab the ones I want that are there now in case they’re gone tomorrow!


Is the space dog theme ever going to come back? I’ve been keeping an eye out for it for ages for a Star Trek-related list, since there aren’t any actual Star Trek themes (lame :p), and I’ve been checking every day for the past couple of months at LEAST… is it ever coming back?

On that note, is there any sort of backend list that keeps track of when an item was last in the shop, or how many times it’s been in the shop? Because I have seen some themes and icons like 15 separate times while awaiting the return of the space dog theme :sweat_smile: Even the space dog icon has popped up a good 3 different times in the interim lmao.

And like having checked the shop daily since the end of the beta, there are still 42 (!!) fonts that have never been made available. Hoping for a few more legible ones in that bunch, or maybe even OpenDyslexic…? (Although that should be installed automatically honestly. Accessibility, whoo :tada:) I’m not even dyslexic myself (just gnarly astigmatism) but I have so many dyslexic friends and like I’d literally never suggest they use Clear because too many of the fonts are just not very easy to read.

The store has not been updated properly today.


Yesterday’s store was the final boss. We’ve finally beaten Clear 2.0 :sweat_smile:


Updated now. But only Fieldbook yellow, not orange @phillryu?

And now it’s been stuck on yesterday’s shop all morning.

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Okay, came here to make sure it wasn’t just me. Hopefully it updates soon :crossed_fingers:t3:

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Was just looking into this, I’m not super sure if I can fix this from the CMS, pinging Arun here though weekend etc!