Shop Megathread

Haven’t started wire framing loadouts which I think we need to do and explore its possible design some, but I feel the mounting pressure to get to that one especially for those of you on this thread.

And yeah if we are able to continue bringing in new customers and keeping things interesting in the shop, it feels like it can tap into the important part of subscription (regular, recurring revenue from people getting that regular use out of it) without the nasty parts! (Paywalls/gated features etc.)

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@alx_ras Does the colour cover page for the Clear Notes theme have a texture like the mock-up shown here? Experimenting with new type of themes for Clear - #22 by phillryu

If you zoom in on that there is a very clear texture, almost like a tight fabric weave. In the picture you shared, the orange version doesn’t seem to have it.

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That’s right, you noticed it, it really doesn’t exist. It was, as I understand it, the original concept, but it never reached the final. What I’ve published is what the cover data on the themes look like now.

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Thanks for confirming. That’s a bit disappointing - I thought the texture looked great! @phillryu - Any particular reason the texture was dropped, or was it just a creative choice?


that sort of info is interesting, also good that it means im about or slightly above average. id love to know what the biggest spenders have spent.

Anyone else seeing an “App Update Required” today?

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Dropped it to reference Field Notes more closely! It could perhaps use some other subtle texture but the more woven cover thing didn’t really fit it.

Pruned the app update required item… looks like a free font IAP typo (Jelly Belly font) to fix.


Thank you @alx_ras for the idea! Considering how the rainy days app icon has done I think these will be well received:


Rainfall in Tokyo is really nice. Great work! Similar to the knit themes, these would make excellent wallpapers. Reminds me of 2814’s vapourwave classic Birth Of A New Day (highly recommended!):

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I keep thinking Vaporwave is an aesthetic we really need to tap into. But I’m sure once we crack that open we’ll be inspired and vibing :smiley:


Remember I have that set of 6 in that Figma file.


Just going back to an earlier post (Shop Megathread - #281 by joeb), if we do end up getting a font with scan lines for Terminal Smith, I think we would also need an appropriate icon. Something like this?


I’m checking out this set again, it’s an interesting one… several feel highly overlapping with existing classic heatmaps (like normal heatmap or shangri-la) but black text instead of white, which does give them a distinct personality. Will take another look when we do another shift back to some heatmap themes.

That is fun yeah, could perhaps look into the slightly more elaborately warped effect/some imagery the movies had too with the green code over black.

Yeah, I did have a quick play with mesh warping to try to get that curved CRT screen effect but tbh it just made the check symbol look it had gone wrong :joy: Background code would have make it more obvious what was going on. Also, the scan lines would need to be wider as once you scale it down to the regular icon size, they get harder to distinguish. Still, be nice if there was something along these lines (along with a scanline’d font) to round out a Terminal Smith loadout… :+1:

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I don’t have this Smith icon for you but I think this discussion inspired me to make a “Matrix” day in the shop coming up haha. (Along with the recent leather graphic themes we added.) It’s a little bit of a stretch but it’s fun how we are just accumulating enough collectibles where we can kind of string together enough references on the fly for a theme like this.

Wrapped up this ‘rainfall’ set for the 2.2, here’s some more:

And a Beautiful Day, which I think will make a lot of people happy:


Some of these color schemes would work great as heatmap themes as well, especially rainfall in Las Vegas


Yeah we’d need to add multi-color stepping support in the heatmap themes spec. But that is in our (longish) list of future theme spec upgrades to consider.

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I will be buying all of these the minute I see them! :heart_eyes:

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