Shop Megathread

Sure, here is your rare icon.
Good luck


Haha that could be a fun one, and I would feel much better about it now that we have the top sellers category to balance. Maybe flea market day or something!

(Update: I checked and App Store doesn’t let me easily view the least selling things… will see if there’s some other way.)

And @VO3 hehe you better believe I put that one there when I gasped at how amazing it turned out. I’m looking forward to some more endgame rewards like that one, but will need inspired unlocks to match!


Haha it does look amazing! Loved it ever since the beta

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Is it possible to share the list here in the forum? Top10 rarest! :sweat_smile:

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If we figure out some simple way, but Apple reporting isn’t making it easy!

Somewhat optimistically scheduled some 2.1.6 items in the shop tomorrow… app is in the queue right now. But if it’s not approved in the AM I will prune the shop I guess/add them back when it’s up.

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Does the shop not update at 12:00 UTC anymore?

It’s been very delayed lately


We started experiencing some rate limiting issues over the weekend with the backend that I assume is involved, should be able to properly fix this here.

(Was not lucky with 2.1.6 approval overnight, good chance it is out later today. If so will put up some new stuff.)


Just wondering! Sorry to hear about the issues, hope it’s fixable easily. Look forward to the update

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when i preview the Fieldbook themes in the shop, the colour doesnt change between Fieldbook Blue, Yellow or black. in all 4, the background is a very light grey, with dots of grey and black writing.

when i see posts like that it intrigues me, the nosy part of me would love to know how much the top say 10 purchasers have spent on the app. not for any reason other than nosyness.

It’s the menu that changes for the Field Notes themes, not the background/colors of your list. So the menus might be yellow or blue or whatever, but a list itself will always be the same dots on a paper background.


In fact, they are not different, they differ only in the cover.


As for me, how much I spent, I’m even afraid to guess. I buy collectibles not from the point of view of curiosity, but because I really like them.


Those look so nice. If the dots remained in place with scroll it would’ve been an insta buy :frowning_face:


Yes, I agree with you.

We’ll be looking into this support today! (Tiling for graphic themes option.) If it feels good we would update Fieldbook themes for it.

Also 2.1.6 is out, so I updated the store with a link to it + some new themes :slight_smile:


Shop/business trivia: ~2100 customers so far, on average spending about $18! Much higher than Clear 1.x’s paid $5 (and even as low as $2 earlier on) price.


Tiling support isn’t fully solved here yet but I’m hopeful. We have some nice ideas with it in mind, this could be a more Moleskine inspired notebook set:


No prob, looking forward to see any progress.

This looks amazing, a line of Moleskine inspired stuff would be great


Good to hear tiling is still on the cards despite some issues by the sound of it. Can’t wait for that (and loadouts - any ETA on those?) to drop. Also, excellent numbers there - clearly the decision to go with cosmetic IAPs rather than a one-off fee (or even worse a subscription) was justified! :+1:

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