Design & Features Wishlist Thread

Appreciate the response. In my mind I envisioned some sort of indentation rather than folders per se, but I do get that you want to preserve simplicity. I can always try using spaces and :s as you suggest.

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Ahh ok, the indentation idea is definitely something a little different than infinite nesting. It’s interesting, I will keep it in mind and think some on it. The annoying thing is infinite nesting would be quite ‘obvious’ and intuitive and elegant in a sense, so it makes other solutions feel a little wonky? But then the huuuuuge implications of opening it up infinitely haha.

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Yeah I have some thoughts here, I’m sure we will hit up some ideas to help and make more of your growing collection through the year and also manage it better.

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Trying to order them from top to bottom helps! I always put the last used/favorite on top, so the list becomes a top-to-bottom favorite list!



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Yeah this is definitely the intended sandbox way. Definitely a little annoying the way everything new keeps pushing things down though… I don’t want to overcomplicate things but I could imagine for example, us letting you swipe right in those collection lists to ‘favorite’ them and pin in a new section above the rest etc. Just gotta think through all the possible options before we ship something.

It isn’t annoying to me! I enjoy seeing all the new things at the top.


I sometimes use the ‘bullet dot’ in the ‘second numbers page’ (#+=) of the keyboard. That makes a little sub list in normal size text under an existing item.

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I see that SF Rounded here is bold in list names and Clear. Is this just a mockup or you’re planning to set it like this? I remember it looked like this when I started testing the beta but it was quickly removed.

I’m not sure how niche this is, but I would certain love a Japanese sound pack with the woodblock (hyōshigi) hand drum (tsuzumi) sounds, and etc.

Maybe I played The Ghost of Tsushima too recently, haha.


@phillryu will it be possible to implement date picker for reminers as a calendar instead of the current iOS date picker? I remember seeing it on one of your mockups and it’s much faster to pick months and date instead of scrolling dates forever to pick a date like 5 months in the future.


I think that’s possible yeah in the future. Honestly we just need some more time at some point to get a fuller sense of all the options iOS UI offers etc. That is one of very few ‘swift UI’ and more standard bits in the app and we’re less familiar with that world lol. (It would be impossible to build most of the rest of the app with Swift UI.)

@Sutro actually installed that game again a couple nights ago, had set aside the DLC after originally playing. It would be a good one for sure.

Sound packs are probably the single costliest cosmetic type to produce but Josh and Sam on our team will be coming up with more of them through the year, having a call with them soonish to figure out the next sets.


I know I’ve mentioned this elsewhere, but to chime on this more appropriate thread: Please make the list item counts bigger. I understand what you’re aiming for by making them smaller, but I think that’s running up against the usability reality of them being too small to be useful. The way they appeared in Clear v1 was fine.

The tiny font setting for lists is big enough for my aging eyes to see comfortably, but the item counts just aren’t.


Will try to address this one meaningfully, can’t promise it in the 2.1 in the works right now but hopefully by 2.2.


I tend to do this, but inverted: I put “header” items (I usually do this with tasks, but it works with lists too I guess) with a prefix, typically “==“. So you get

== Header 1
Item A
Item B
== Header 2
Item C
Item D

I feel like that makes each section stick out more, and also means I don’t have to put an extra prefix on the items (which there are usually more of than headers)


Good idea, I like this - will try it out on my lists. Thanks!

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Successfully updated to the new version yesterday without losing data, but I do have some requests:

  1. Bring back edge swipes (or something) to switch between lists - this is something I use constantly, and without this feature I’m probably going to move several of my lists into Reminders so I can just switch apps.
  2. Slightly larger text size on the item counts and the reminders, at least on the “Tiny” font setting - these are ridiculously small currently.
  3. Sync would be nice, but literally any form of full backup/restore or export (besides “email a copy of this individual list”) would be hugely reassuring. I don’t use Clear for my vitally important stuff specifically because there’s no export or backup functionality.

I’m pretty happy with the new version, and I’m thrilled that you’re giving the app new life! I’ve seen too many great apps become abandonware over the years, and I would have been heartbroken if Clear had gone that route.


Great to hear, it really does feel like a second chance at life for Clear between the product revival, business pivot and and support from you all. And we are going to try to make the most of it.

  1. Will be thinking on this… in the meantime definitely recommend the new ‘back button’ as the snappiest back option. And I wonder if 2.1’s widgets may be helpful as they do allow you to set up list-specific shortcuts essentially on Home Screen.

  2. Will see what we can do here with some retuning. I think we will plan for some general tiny/small font retuning pass 2.1.1. (After 2.1 severs our tie with iOS dynamic font scaling, which was really making this difficult to tune / parse feedback there from you all by adding in that extra variable.)

  3. We do have an automatic backup/restore iCloud system for Clear planned in our roadmap for sometime in the next few months. In the meantime this support URL will export your lists (though not rewards progress and collection) which you could save in Files app and Clear 2.x reads.

Just learned from a different thread: within lists, you can make headers or smaller items!

For a header, use a colon at the end of that item like so (omit the quotes)
“My header will be this:”

For a smaller item, use a leading space like so:
“ my smaller item”


THANK YOU for the export link, that’s a huge help! And good to hear that you’ll be looking into the other stuff.

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