Design & Features Wishlist Thread

Is it now possible to check off multiple items in one go by grabbing them first, then moving to the right? I’m trying to do it, but not working for me. (Yes I checked for updates, and force-closed the app and re-opened.) The only thing I was able to do was move the grabbed items to the bottom of the list, if I grab them from the very left side and move all the way to the right. That definitely doesn’t feel intended.

I agree that the widget mockup with radio buttons muddles the minimalist design that makes Clear great, but hiding functionality that’s different from the main app behind the same look muddles it just as much.

Maybe you could just leave a blank space where you put the radio buttons, so that the there’s an empty area to the left of the item text? That might be enough to suggest “hey you can tap here”, without cluttering things.

Yeah this is me just testing it unless I’m misunderstanding. If it doesn’t work for you let me know on device model, I guess there could be a bug.


On the widget we just need to properly teach people the left margin thing I think and will think on how to best do that.

One stand we take with Clear is that a learning curve for a mobile app is justified, if it can payout in longterm fluency, beauty and generally lasting/recurring value. (Which we know it does, for the people who fall in love with it.) This is one core reason why Clear is so different than most other apps, they all treat any UI/gestures to teach to users as a problem to fix/remove.

Now in many cases that conventional wisdom is probably the right call. But yeah Clear has this unique context.

So I think it is important we stick to that here in terms of ultimately designing for that longterm best experience vs. compromising that to make it more obvious at the first moments.

Oh, that’s not how I was trying to check off multiple things. That works, but it’s also dextruosly uncomfortable. What I was imagining is this:

  • tap an item on a list and hold
  • tap other items to grab them together with the first one, like you would to move multiple items
  • now slide this group towards the right, like you would if you were checking off a single item
  • et voila, you’ve checked off all those items

So in that picture, the group I’ve grabbed would all get checked off.

Re the widgets:
I still disagree that making the widget look exactly like the regular app, but behave differently, is a good way to do it. It teaches two different behaviors based on the same look, which I think muddles everything. I’m not sure my suggestions are any good, and I’m fine with some behavior having to be learned, but I think this makes things more unclear.

Maybe leave some blank space but with a slight nudge that you can tap there, like a slightly lighter area (looking like the “fabric” of the list item has a little divot)?

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We did try the divots, but it felt still fundamentally having the problems of permanent screen clutter and eating up space for your items that are IMO worse problems for Clear than initially onboarding it or slightly diverging it for the widget context.

It’s also not entirely arbitrary, in that it aligns with how our strike through animations and checkmark placement for swipes is going left to right. Like that’s where you would press down your pencil to strikethrough something off.

The batch drag complete idea is interesting. I really would not like it accidentally triggering, but there could be something there. (Another variant perhaps might be moving it down further than you need to place the group at the end of the list, and holding there? To shift to completed.)

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Alright - I support eliminating clutter at all costs, so I’ll yield.

Re batch complete: agree it shouldn’t be an accidental thing, so maybe make it so it has to be quite deliberate to trigger? I.e., unless you move it quite far to the side then it shouldn’t check off? And naturally with the same highlighting in green etc that you get when checking off single items.

I don’t think it’s a critical feature by any means, but it does feel like it clicks with the overall design language, and for larger lists it would make sense to have. And you could do the same for uncheck.

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Yeah I will be thinking around this space with the batch drags / drag and drop behavior, how to further round it out best.

And yes I suppose Clear has its own flavor of anti-screen clutter absolutism :saluting_face: vs. the tyranny of the banal and one size must fit all, blanding-together of most everything else. But I feel like ours is at least a more inspiring and quite underserved flavor of it :smiley:

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Agree - vastly prefer the mock-up without checkboxes.

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widgets without the check boxes look better and show more of the task name. Would be my preferred option!


I have a new feature request/Idea:

  • allow Automation of Clear 2 Personalization via Shortcuts app… that way I can setup various automations depending on location, time of Day and day of week.

Example when at work, automation should kick in and I can setup a specific Theme and Font for Work… when I leave Work the theme could change because of automation… something like how Focus mode can change my iOS 17 wallpaper setup…

I already use Shortcuts app to setup up lock screen wallpapers that change depending on time of day (sunrise, sunset)… weekends automatically shows different lock screen wallpapers… it can become a powerful tool if Clear could tap into Shortcuts automations.


Very cool, I will keep this in mind when we are able to get back to shortcut actions.


Having the ability to randomize theme and font (maybe even between a selection, not all of them) on app launch would be great.


Oh and having a setting to have things automatically be in title case would be great too

I don’t think the issue is how the themes are build, is more around to help the user to make a informative buy

Yeah we are looking into this for 2.1, starting with updating the ‘icons’ for the themes to preview the 3 levels vs. 1 level + icon.

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also, an incredibly specific font request:


I love Clear! My only request - nested lists! I would love to create sub tasks and sub lists. Please!!!

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Perfect pairing for our upcoming 2.1 theme for shop:


This one is tough, more here: Folders to organize groups of lists - #2 by phillryu

oh that’s perfect! I didn’t realize a random font request would coincide so well.

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I keep changing themes so often and can never satisfy what exactly I like for long term as I like most of them. One idea is to have a randomness in theme so every time you open the app, it randomly creates a theme for you. I am getting fatigued by continuously changing themes which I love all of them and can’t decide on which one I shall keep each day.