Design & Features Wishlist Thread

I have been thinking about it from the angle of 'where else could we better use ‘XL tags’ vs. ‘small tags’. And admittedly, it would be helpful for the store prices / allowing tap there to purchase. There might be other useful cases for it so, I’m going to say this is possible we may address it in a way that satisfies you later this year.

On philosophy, Clear has always been pretty conceptually driven. I don’t know exactly how you define it but our way of making ‘different but coherent and good’ experience like Clear relies on grounding it on a few foundational pillars and principles and going hard on them.

The 1.0 was anti-settings completely. But I’ve moderated on that one over the years. Certain things I find cozy, are anti-cozy to others. We can’t make all of these polarizing/subjective cases setting toggles without overcomplicating, but the most important ones that rise up, we should be considering at least. That’s the influence of cozy.


iCloud syncing - vital!

  1. The design of the lists of lists page: reduce the size of the item and text to be the same as the list items

  2. Remove the whole of page lists of lists animation, return to the individual list opening.

  3. The list colour gradient is top to bottom heavy (so you can see colour differences between list items on the screen, rather than at the moment, there is no way to differentiate between items on long lists

That’s an interesting idea/feedback I haven’t heard or thought of before, the suggestion of weighting the heat mapping on longer lists. I could see that being an improvement on a core piece of design, will sleep on it.

Right now we are thinking widgets in 2.1 along with other fixes for mid to late February.

You would be able to tap along the left margin to check things off.

  1. Transition animations much less stretchy and bouncy

  2. Line insertion animations less stretchy and bouncy (back to the foldy one on Clear 1!)

  3. List count



List count is there now in latest update. Ho yo personalize and then complications.

The app is perfect as it is, but for me to sleep better knowing that my lists are safe, iCloud Sync is a nice improvement.

If and when this feature is implemented, don’t forget to sync the order of our personalization lists (themes, icons, etc.).

Thank you

Hereby registering an opinion pushing back against the idea of making the text on all levels the same size. Absolutely not.

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Absolutely glad you guys brought back the original (darker) blue for Heatmap. The legibility is so much better. Thank you!!

Now if you guys would just bring back the black background at the top and centre the list title, so that list titles are visually distinct when viewing a list vs viewing the list of lists. That would be amazeballs… :heart_eyes:

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I agree with you that the item count font is too small right now, no matter the font size. It’s so small that it’s basically visual clutter, because it’s nearly impossible to read at a glance.


This isn’t something I much care about, but could there be a need to omit headings and captions from the list counts? Like I just pre-setup a list with some different headings and captions that only had one real “item” in it, but the count said 9, which, of course, but I did find it funny.


True. Interesting wrinkle I hadn’t considered. It’s a tough one, with the sandbox nature of Clear for example I would welcome people formatting items subheader, just to mark them as important or something. And wouldn’t want to presume a single use case.

Yeah, no big deal. Just wanted to mention.

I second this - line insertions less stretchy, more origami-foldy, like the OG Clear.


The origami folding animations were the best. Especially how the folding animation tracked with your fingers.


I like the look of widgets! Will those be interactive, or just “tap to open Clear with this list open”? Idk if interactivity in a widget is a thing on iOS?

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It is now a thing as of the latest iOS. Though at the most basic level. (Allows taps.)

We are thinking tap along the left side to check things off. Tap elsewhere would open the list in Clear.


Hmm, I’m not sure I like the “tap here to check” idea, since it doesn’t work that way in app. I think you’d have to visually signal that pretty well, like have a checkbox on the left side (that only shows in the widget) or something. Intuitively I’d expect tapping, no matter where, to open the list.


Idea: multiple check-offs. Today I realized since I can grab multiple items to move them (within or out of a list), maybe I can just swipe them all to the right to check them off together?

… turns out I can’t. But I’d like to!

Same goes for deleting items, maybe even setting a reminder for multiple things (more for consistency of design).

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It should let you mult-touch rows to check them off simultaneously though, or delete in the latest version.

We’re interested in further polishing/rounding out the multi-touch support but it’s a gnarly one so further down the list.

We’ll be feeling out the invisible margin checking off idea in internal builds. I think it’ll be the way to go vs. the clutter of noisy visual affordance checkboxes.

E.g. this to me feels like it really dilutes Clear’s simple beautiful charm vs. the previous mockup I posted:

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