Design & Features Wishlist Thread

I was replying to your original post, and admittedly getting a little defensive. I would like to figure out some way to make it more satisfying, but it’s appreciated you’re pulling the punches a bit on Sunday night here. There may be a few steps forward/back in the early transition to 2.0 but I am confident we will be adding up a lot of straight up wins through the year for you all in post launch updates.

Enjoying the 2.02 update (especially tap to go to top of list - thank you!)

Please can you reinstate the Clear 1 “shake to undo edit” function, where shaking undoes the last action, whether that was delete or edit - currently only seems to reinstate deleted items. If I go into a list item, overtype it and change my mind I have to retype it, which isn’t ideal, particularly if it’s more than a few words. Would be great to have the extended shake to undo back in a future update. Thanks :smiling_face:

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Plan on getting to this at some point but I believe it’s a non trivial project to connect up full undo support so can’t promise it soon. (Our UI is so custom, so we don’t get many things ‘for free’ like other apps might using all of Apple’s components.)

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Thanks for explaining the context Phill, happy it’s on the list for future consideration.

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I really just need to be able to make and drag to re-order items on the list. Swiping them off is very important too.
Right now it’s very slow and choppy, but at least my data is back!

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Oh, yeah apologies there we have some optimizations to do in future updates. Do you think some of these tips I posted in this other thread might help? Basically ‘fresh’ lists with <1000 items should perform snappily, wonder if we can either clear away completed things, or have you move over the ones you care about now to work with until we can better handle these.

Hi super happy with the new opdate. Especially the moving of tasks between folders on phone and the setting of reminders without setting one as a mistake! Good job thank you :pray: everything went smooth with the migration from 1.0 to 2.0 just woke up and everything was set up in the new.
Apart from the the obvious synk. between phone/ipad/mac

  1. Sending lists that can open in clear on another person clear app.
  2. Volume on reminder is to low now. Maybe being able to choose between a number of volumes?
    Thanks again! Love my clear app and use is all the time :blush::+1:
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  1. I believe that improved onboarding is on the roadmap. I encouraged my partner to update to the latest version and he used it yesterday for our weekly grocery shop. When he got home, he complained that each time he tried to cross something off, a weird screen would show. When I looked, I quickly spotted that he was using the list of lists itself for the grocery list. I know it has a “My Lists” header but in the context of an otherwise empty screen, is perhaps an easy mistake to make (I’m being sympathetic :innocent:).

  2. We normally use AnyList for our grocery shopping. This has live updates as things are added/crossed off the list. AnyList requires a login so I assume a custom back-end is allowing for the exceptionally reliable live updates. The list sharing that was in an earlier Clear beta, preferably with the ability to update an already published list would remove our need for AnyList. I’m personally not keen on the Clear screenshot/sharing route. Thanks!

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Onboarding is going to be an ongoing priority here this first year of new Clear.

Clear has a lot riding on this, because it requires people to invest more in figuring it out to get going, and start realizing the positive tradeoffs. So we are going to put in a lot of attention towards further fixing/tuning those opening 60 seconds, first 5 minutes, etc.

Been thinking about this lately… I suspect a lot of people would benefit from spending a minute or two just navigating around the app and getting familiar, and from that point on just feel a lot cozier.

Once they kind of uncovered the fog of war of the map and silhouette and internalize Clear’s ultimately simple structure and hierarchy as a list and sublists in itself.

Thinking about how to prompt or encourage that.

But of course many people would just want to immediately get listing too. Gotta better thread this needle!

My list is actually pretty short. I think what might be part of the problem is that when I complete a task, it stays at the bottom.

Is there a way to delete all those completed tasks?

| phillryu
January 22 |

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Oh, yeah apologies there we have some optimizations to do in future updates. Do you think some of these tips I posted in this other thread might help? Basically ‘fresh’ lists with <1000 items should perform snappily, wonder if we can either clear away completed things, or have you move over the ones you care about now to work with until we can better handle these.

That distils our situation perfectly. I’m scientifically minded and the first thing I do with any app or game is play around and try out all the menus/options (maybe for fear of missing something). My partner is artistically minded, is very frustrated by tutorials and mostly couldn’t care less about cosmetics, etc. But I did nudge him to try out the themes. :grin:

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Yes! It’s all those completed items at the bottom, I imagine many years worth of them.

If you scroll all the way down, and are OK clearing them away, you can pull up from the very bottom to do so. That should snappify your lists.

But if you only have a few items you’re working with and have sentimental attachment to that history of completed tasks, you could also drag and drop the active items out into a fresh list. And then archive the original list / all completed items, so it’s there for reference.

Ok yeah that’s interesting to hear, hopefully we’re onto something about this being one of the core onboarding issues to crack. Will be thinking around this angle for improvements.

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I have one request as everything else is working perfectly after the last update. Could we get the side swipes back?


I noticed that the Heatmap theme has got the different shade of blue. I liked the old blue much more than this one. Can it be put back the way it was in some of the future updates?

With Heatmap the first goal was sourcing from the original theme as an homage, and I think we had messed up the original bright blue value actually, so this was a correction. Also as the starting theme, feels more legible with higher contrast.

Hope it’s not a big deal to you, maybe we will do some subtle retunes in the future but I also don’t want to be reactionary at this point and start going back and forth on things. Had some urgent things we had to rush out for 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 but I think we are in an ok place now to take a bit of a breather for 2.1.


That’s too bad, I really like how Heatmap looked in the beta with the brighter blue. :frowning: Hopefully it will go back to what it was. Please don’t tweak any more existing themes and their colors :joy: :pray:t2:

I’d like to second the need for better previews of the more complex themes. At the least, could the theme icon have the primary color of the list level peaking from behind on those?

I definitely appreciate the themes with different colors for the different levels. I still like themes that don’t – rocking THWIP now – but I can sometimes feel lost for a moment when navigating.

Since I play hockey, I grabbed the Hockey Rink theme, but I was surprised to discover the list level was yellow. I was sadly not a fan. It was so jarring that I force closed Clear thinking something had gone wrong. Did someone yellow the snow?? It was a day before it dawned on me that the yellow must be for the foot of the boards.


Yeah I am thinking about an icon update like that for themes previewing the other level(s). Will look into it with David when we have a little time.

@Dragon in general we will be quite conservative with theme color changes, outside of outright bugs/fixes. That probably goes for this shade of blue now though too, we changed it because there were a dozen+ people angry about the bright blue and writing about it, and realized we had accidentally made it brighter than intended :stuck_out_tongue:


So, trying again: right now the “how many tasks in a list” feature is not usable for me, no matter what size I set the text to–it’s just too small.

On reflection, I think what made this feel like a jab was both the actual implementation of the new feature as something I just can’t use, and the content of this thread, where there was talk of turning off badges to make the app “more zen,” (I’m very grateful we got badges back, by the way!) as well as various places around the forums where language like “cozy” and “cozy simplicity” get used. It makes worry that changes like this are coming from a place of philosophy, not necessity or practicality, and that there is no room for a user like me (whose needs are not really “zen” and are more “give yourself structure or chaos will eat you,” though perhaps not quite that dramatic) in the new philosophy of the app. :thinking:

Unfortunately I do think this is a an app-use-killer for me; being able to know at a glance how much work I have left on a project/list is key to how I organize and approach to-do lists. I like your company and I appreciate that the app needed to change, but there is really no new feature you could add that would compensate for the loss of this one, for me. And if this reflects a larger philosophical push for the app, then I think in the end it’s better for me to realize that now! :grin: