omg, yeees, this is good!
[This is to get to 20 characters.]
Perfection in progress!
I like that description of what we’re going for! Also just to manage expectations on the list counts:
I’m expecting some of you to appreciate the functionality back, but miss the old styling.
We have a lot of reason to go this way for consistency / simplicity throughout, in riffing on the way dates/times show up as these tags, and not setting aside an entire separate margin. (Kind of like you might mark extra info on the margin on a paper/pen list.)
So just setting some expectations that we can get you this back in this form quite quickly, but simply restoring its visuals/margin from 1.x is not on our plans. Hope that ends up being a net win still for you all who missed this one.
One I haven’t seen mentioned yet
Empty lists have a strikethrough but in Clear 1, they were faded out with no strikethrough. I think this is a big part of why my “my lists” page is so overwhelming, because half of my lists used to be faded and now they are not and it’s very hard to distinguish them. This would be a huge quality of life improvement for me
And yes I realize there’s an Archive but I leave a lot of empty lists on purpose because I revisit them regularly
My lists are never empty so I wasn’t aware of this, but this would be a great and easy thing to do. ^
I would be happy with these things:
Port all the themes and sounds from the old Clear and add them to the Shop at a lower price - this is a nice gesture for old users, but still with the opportunity to get additional support from them.
Make paid content from the old Clear (CLEA(RED) theme, for example) obtainable using Restore Purchases.
My #1) Would the iCloud backup also work for transferring to a new phone?? In 2 ½ months this phone will be given to my daughter and I’m upgrading after almost 5 years . I REALLY don’t want to lose everything when I transfer everything to my new iPhone.
#2 have an optional “Undo” when you swipe up to clear struck-through items… I lost a big list by accidentally swiping too fast on my list and I lost a massive ammount of important info.
#3 it would be nice to be able to use any given icon with any given theme. My daughter (new user) wanted to use the Strawberry Cream or Pistachio Cream theme, but she wants to use a different app icon, but each time she changes themes, he app icon changes with it.
Keep being awesome… and I hope you had a great birthday.
This #2… I also purchased the Red theme and I tried the ‘restore purchases’ and it didn’t work for me either.
Yes, I know. I think this is because this theme has not been ported to the new Clear and is not tied to the previous SKU. That’s precisely what I’m asking developers to do )
Ah right, we do have records of these. We should be able to port and reconstruct them along with the 2 paid sound themes that were sold in 1.x.
There is some possibility the tying to your old receipts part might be a bit more of a project so I can’t promise it will be dealt with super soon, but as soon as things quiet enough for us to catch up on things it will be on our list.
#1) If you have full device iCloud backups on, and restore to your latest backup when you set up your new phone, you should be all good. However, we will also be adding a second redundant automatic iCloud daily backups/restore for Clear 2 itself in an earlyish 2.x update.
#3) For now you can use this workaround to actually achieve this: Design & Features Wishlist Thread - #20 by phillryu
Repeatable Tasks would be nice. I use this on a daily and weekly basis. Could add Rewards to this too.
I like the more subtle numbers, but that is very small. I’d struggle to look at it at a glance, and also idk how this scales with font size? Might become miniscule for small text (if relative), or illegible for those who need larger text (if absolute).
Maybe the same idea, but make it cover ~50% of the bar height?
It’s also a little less scannable to compare different lists than the original, but I can accept that as a compromise for a cleaner look.
Yeah I understand, we will see if there’s some room to improve the legibility there while still allowing those full length list titles underneath the tag in 2.0.3 or some early update. (Probably going to take a breather to catch up on things as a team after the 2.0.2 that should be out early next week so hoping this one takes care of the urgent requests that we can quickly pluck for now.)
Seconding others, repeating myself from elsewhere: app badge with number of items on current list when closing app (same behavior as Clear 1.x)
I’ve had to use a different and less good app just because of this, but I want to come back to Clear!
+1 for faded title for empty lists… that way it can be easier to know with a quick glance which lists I must focus on.
2.0.2, should be available to update on App Store on Monday if review goes fine.
Yessssss, that blue looks better! Thank youuu