Would joyfully pay for an optional persistent alarm feature that must be silenced in-app

Greetings! Very long-time Clear user here. Thank you for creating one of my favorite and definitely most-used apps! An option for a persistent alarm would be world-changing.

Currently, when the Clear alarm sounds (very brief tone), when the phone is not in earshot, it goes unheard. However, with an optional persistent alarm, that must be silenced by the user, that problem would be no more. I would gladly (even joyfully) pay for this feature.

My current system is to check my Outlook calendar on Monday morning. Then, set a weeks-worth of alarms in my native iPhone alarm app. With a persistent alarm in Clear, users could simply create the to-do item AND set its alarm all in one convenient place. Bonus: Clear currently allows for alarms into the infinite future. Not just one week at a time, like my current (lame) system.

A persistent alarm feature in Clear would let the frustrated world decouple from the tedious input of Outlookā€™s (and others) calendar interface. We could free ourselves from the weekly malaise of setting alarms in the native iPhone alarm app.

Thanks again for making the world a place with better lists!


I will think on this. (lol at your username.) 2.0.2 will add a sublist under Personalize called ā€œComplicationsā€ that will allow for certain opt-in settings. We just want to be really careful not to rush in and make that list overwhelming etc. but it could accommodate ideas like this in the future.


Thanks for your response and consideration @phillryu I understand the desire to keep things non-overwhelming. Thatā€™s part of what makes Clear so wonderful!

Have a great weekend!

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You too! Itā€™s a good ideaā€¦ I just need to clear my head post launch but I have a feeling would be very helpful to our ADHD listers. (Or perhaps it can be an opt-in setting per reminder under the wheels etc.) We would probably just have to design it as a single long sound file but I can imagine it starting with a reminder chime, then at the least repeating it at intervals when set like this.

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Ha! I suppose I fall into the ADHD lister category with a request like this. I like the idea of the opt-in setting under the wheels resulting in the repeating at intervals idea. Iā€™m certainly not a developer, so I donā€™t know how this would work - but, perhaps one of the selections under the ā€œsoundsā€ menu could be a ā€˜repeating alarmā€™ (single long sound file that you mention) that users could select for this effect. Thus, keeping the date wheels clean. Just spitballingā€¦ Thanks for your ongoing thoughts! Itā€™s fun to think about these things.

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I really like that angle actually. Simply including a variant or two of reminder ringtones under Sounds Personalization including this one as like ā€˜high alertā€™ or something. (And great example of the kind of angles I hope to bubble up while stewing on it vs. rushing out an option we later regret.)

Love the process here! I know itā€™s no coincidence that Clear is such a great, intuitive tool. Kudos!

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Iā€™d love an excuse to drop using ā€œDueā€ā€¦ that app for sure helps remind me until I am done, helping my ADHD.

I am confident Phil and colleagues have the creative juices to pull off power user functions without complicating, Clear!


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Thatā€™s wonderful! I looked at Due and although it looks like it would get the job done, I love Clearā€™s UI so much more.

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