I would love clear to integrate with the default iOS calendar? For example when I create a todo that has date and time set against it. It would be great if that would populate in the iOS calendar
We haven’t investigated this at all, but when we revisit reminders it’s a good idea to check out. Not sure if everyone would like this behavior by default but maybe as some opt-in setting? Let’s see what the community thinks.
For me, Clear is a list app not a to-do app. I probably wouldn’t use this option.
Opt in would be awesome - I noticed today that I used the reminder feature and I did get a notification for it. I don’t remember this being the case previously?
The new Clear has been pushing alerts on reminders for some time now. But the awkward part is please don’t get too attached to this feature, we think we may have to tackle it in a 2.x update properly and remove from initial shipping version. The natural language parsing direction is one we like, but has a lot of work to do to finish and polish.
you’ve misunderstood what I meant - I’m referring to reminders you can create against time and date
Is this something that is still being considered? I would pay for the optional ability per-list to have them go into my Calendar (and if there is a reminder time then of course the event is at that time).
Honestly it’s not on the top of our priorities (Clear Pro / syncing are the big ones right now.)
But it does strike me as the kind of feature or option that Pro members might appreciate in the future.