There is a remaining folder in iCloud: Clear lists


I uninstalled the old Clear version few years ago, but still there is a folder in iCloud called “Clear lists”, and I can´t delet.

This folder is there in “root” folder from iCloud, and the facts are:

  • This folder is not stored in backups
  • This folder is not “deletable”
  • This folder is not in iCloud drive
  • This folder is not in my files, in iCloud web
  • I can delete the folder data content, but not the folder itself
  • Installing and uninstalling the Clear app (old version from years ago, or now the new one, whatever), this folder never gone away

The main question is: How to delete this folder?

Here is a screenshot from my iCloud:

I would not know. In fact, I would also like to understand if that data belongs to the old version of Clear or to the new one in some way. My guess is that they are tied to version 1 of Clear and that they contain iCloud sync data. I don’t know about deleting this folder as I have never tried to delete it.


Thanks for reply.

Buuuuuuuuuuut, still in the older version (unistalled years ago), the folder remains for years in this location. From time in time I remember him. I guess the older version of Clear don’t deleted this folder in app uninstall.

I noted several apps create 2 folders in iCloud infrastructure (one in root of iCloud and another in backup folder)

Curious, intriguing…

So even if you click on “delete from iCloud” once selected it remains? Having always installed the Clear app, I cannot verify, but on iOS there are few operations, and I think you have already tried them. That is, trying to delete from the screen you attached is the first, and if you still have the app (and this is not the case) first try to deactivate the switch in the “apps that use iCloud” setting and then try deleting again of iCloud data. There are no other ways…


Yep… the content of this folder is deleted, but the folder itself remains. In this screen, there is not the switch to enable/disable iCloud storage (this is the first screen of iCloud… the switches are in the second screen, inside the backup section… and there, is ok, there is no Clear folder… is ok).

This behavior is the same of Siri folder behavior… the contents may be deleted, but not the “root folder”.


I ran into this problem a couple of months ago with some old apps I no longer used but also left “unremovable” folders inside my iCloud.

Their data was gone, but not the folders…

I kinda forgot how I succeeded in eventually deleting the folders but what I am sure of is that I managed to do so by login into iCloud on the web from a Desktop/Laptop.

Try going inside the Clear Lists folder by logging into iCloud web, once again, I forgot the procedure but I managed to delete them eventually.

Right click / or clicking on the … option.

Something like that.

I was determined to delete the folders… which I did.

I hope you manage to do so as well.


Thanks for the orientation.

Today´s night I´ll try log in the iCloud web and see what I´ll find.


That’s interesting. I just saw that I had two Clear Lists folders in there, but was able to delete both from my phone no problem.


Really, after days searching and testing, nothing: The folder remains in “root folder” from iCloud account. I think, if we have access to file system of iCloud in iPhone, delete this folders may be possible.

Interesting: The Mactracker app have to a folder there, and in a uninstall procedure, his folder in iCloud root is deleted as expected.

In addendum: This folders remains in local iPhone file system and in iCloud servers, because this folders remains iPhone after iPhone changes. It is attached in my account, I presume.

From now and beyond, I will keep looking for a solution for this remaining folders.

Thanks for all help from everyone.


I have no idea honestly, but on our side of things, for the time being we have no plans to purge it and I think need to be very conservative. (We will think more on this case when things quiet down a bit here.) For example we can’t guarantee if someone is still using it on Clear Mac 1.x as some form of backup and I don’t want to just have Clear 2.x on iOS vaporize it.


Sure, fair enough.


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