Shop Megathread

Wonderful purchases.


And yes, the Clear X Yellow theme was also purchased by me, there is a bug in the display, displayed as Clear X.

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Ah yeah we’ll fix for next update.

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Clear Boy has a gray thumbnail but the theme is all green.


If anything, the Bondi theme should be turquoise, and at the moment it is black.



It’s already an addiction :smiley:


FYI → The New FONTS in SHOP or not previewing.


Oh strange, and thanks for reporting. I can confirm they do work if grabbed but yeah let me see what’s up / regressed.

Maybe is just me, but I’m not feeling this new background/wallpaper inspired themes launched so far … will keep an eye on them maybe there will be one I like


Me neither, just feels like one of those wallpaper changer apps with a temporary test overly.

But it comes down to preference and I’ll be happy as long as I get my daily dose of non-graphic themes :slight_smile:


Definitely a new frontier to still explore, will be figuring out what works best, what people like the most, and probably layering on some features too that unlock new feels. (Repeating tile bg as you scroll, maybe custom top/bottom image support that could open up some different feeling themes etc.)

But yeah we’ll try to get a nice batch of some more heatmap/classic themes next update or two too, got some cooking there.

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While there is clearly potential with the wallpaper-style approach, my personal preference is still towards gradients for themes. The chunky, solid-colour aesthetic is what first drew me to Clear, and all this time later, nothing else quite matches it. Even having said that, I probably only like 15-20% (?) of the available gradient themes. That’s not a criticism by the way, the rest just don’t happen to be to my taste. But for the few that are, I absolutely love them! I’m sure lots of other people get a lot out of the ones I don’t like so each to their own. While none of the wallpaper themes have properly grabbed me (yet), I imagine this may change with the right imagery. Ps @phillryu I am very much here for custom top/bottom image support (Experimenting with new type of themes for Clear - #13 by joeb) and more heatmap/classic themes :+1:t2:


Shop hasn’t updated yet, is there a delay today?

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Yea, shop didn’t update.


Updated now. Glad for the delay, gave me a little time to grab the Clear For Launch icon!

The font previews still don’t work in the shop. I like Daily Special, nice and usable.


Will be fixing the font previews in 2.2! Not entirely sure why the shop didn’t properly roll over today but I kind of manually rescheduled it when I woke up and noticed, will check with Arun on Monday.


We have a whole array of teatime themes, but the collection lacks an actual tea theme. It makes me have a sneaking suspicion that you have 0 tea lovers on your team :stuck_out_tongue:
That aside, would you please consider adding some tea themes like milk/black?

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Something went funny with Space Silhouette. Seemed to go through the shop fine but don’t think I can see it in my fonts in personalise ?

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Hmm not sure there… I grabbed that to test myself yesterday and have it here. Anyone else experience this?

@Hilda guilty! I think we just have Matcha? Which I like, but I’m not a huge tea person. Let me know on other teas that would make nice color themes.

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