So far I feel like there is some consensus on a framework along the lines of:
• Be able to set individual items, or an entire list, as repeating/recurring
• Behavior would be, on checking off + clearing, repopulate the cleared recurring items
(If your personal use case wouldn’t fit into this, chime in below!)
The idea of tagging with some text or special character could enable this function, but it does still feels pretty abstracted to me. I would love to come up with a more intuitive gesture or shortcut, but admittedly been stumped on that one for some time.
I’m starting to wonder if we should consider some kind of ‘toolbar’ above the keyboard while editing list items or titles. I realize that’s some on-screen clutter, but maybe it’s the right kind, there is at the end of the day only so many gestures we can hide lol. (We kind of went this direction with the reminders pass recently, though that contextually appears.)
Being Clear, I presume we would at least offer the setting to just disable this toolbar if we introduce one. But yeah hmmmm!
And of course if anyone has any other interesting ideas on how to invoke or apply this ‘repeating’ status on items or lists, I’m all ears.
That toolbar looks like a pretty simple and clean solution. Do they work like formatting settings? Like click it on to enterff the relevant item, then off? And/or highlight existing items then select from toolbar?
If I’m understanding correctly, yeah kind of like formatting options in Notes app. Though for the item you are editing overall vs. specific selected text within it.
@Mer that’s an interesting one to consider (should it appear only when editing the list title? since it applies to the whole list?), and I’d be curious what other ideas for useful functions people might have for it.
Would there be a way to toggle on the sort icon above the keyboard, and for the sort to rotate per click between a-z, z-a, and the order items were originally input in that list?
I would really need to digest properly on this more (consider the mockup above a quick sketch for now and definitely not some concrete plan). Not sure if a list sorting function would feel right here, because you would be focused on a single item (or list title?) with the keyboard up here, and things would shift around a lot as you sort!
Also…I think that your base could grow if Clear were not just thought of as a “list” app. With the ability to again use it across multi Apple devices plus the web on pc, when syncing is sorted out, I believe that the power of Clear is the clean & beautiful quick entry design coupled with the future power of more features like sort and recurring tasks.
Also, what about starting an affiliate program that would be a win-win, perhaps membership or discount perks for fan users / influencers who love this app who could help to spread the word thus increasing your new signups/revenue.
I think Apple does have some tools for promo codes, we will be looking into this at some point. The right influencers/partnerships could be a critical piece of Clear’s marketing future. (Will need the business/Pro side up and running and then we’ll be more set up for experiments there.)
And yeah I would say I use Clear as a second brain to dump things into in an organized way. I have always felt that ‘todo’ or ‘list’ doesn’t fully capture that. But then again, it is just a simple list for many others too. We will probably be thinking more about dialing in the marketing later this year if things go smoothly.
@phillryu It’s be great if I can clear off a normal list and mass repopulate it back to original again in one shot, jf while maintaining the order of the list.
I’d really like to start using it for my MSFS flight sim cockpit checklists.
I’ve thought some on this use case but it’s a little tricky, factoring in things like adding new things within the list as you’re crossing things off etc. Probably doable though, and we could think more on this when we are experimenting with repeating tasks. I guess UX wise the mockup I posted could be compatible, if you set the repeating toggle while editing the list title.
I’ve been thinking about this. I really think a hard press pop up menu is the cleanest option. I don’t want to waste my screen-estate with an always on menu. BUT, a simple hard press (or long press) and a small menu pops up allowing me to edit the list (in this case, reset the list) would be very clean and would not get in the way. And if you don’t use this functionality, then it isn’t in your way. Easy-peasy.