Recruiting some help to test 2.2.5 before it goes out

2.2.5 will include daily automatic iCloud backups, primarily for people deleting Clear and reinstalling it later in mind. (Or on a new device etc.) The backups include your lists, settings, collectibles and rewards progress.

2.2.5 also includes a kind of experimental support menu that lets you iMessage us with questions or issues, hoping this will let us really quickly figure out the priority list of confusing issues + bugs.

The iCloud backups feature should be more or less invisible until you need it, but there are a couple cleanup changes to settings, reward progress data etc. we would like to sanity check with some testers.

I’m not anticipating serious issues here, but if we run into one we should have some tools to help, and a bug to fix for everyone. Please post if you’re able to install this TestFlight and simply use it like normal for the next few days without issue, or of course report anything you run into here or via support iMessage :pray:

Before installing this beta build, you can also take an optional step of saving a backup of your current lists into Files app with this link:

(If you have been beta testing before you might need to remove yourself from that TestFlight then tap this link.)


Installed fine. Seems to work fine right after install. Will post again after a few days of regular use.

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It works very quickly. And on the beta iOS 18, amazing. I will continue to test.

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I’m always down for Clear betas! Just installed and will report any issues I come across as always.

So far so good, and I love the iMessage feature! Any way for us to check out how to take advantage of the daily backups, should we need to? Or, is the point of that feature that everything would happen automatically in the background without us having to actively install the back up?

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I am having an issue where I can’t turn on/select/activate the Daily Quote Push (which I had on but accidentally turned off just now).

Sorry, not trying to spam this post, but I just read something from January that relates to a quest I text earlier today:

I see the same behavior. Can’t enable the daily quote feature in the beta.

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I wanted to see what was in the shop today, so I installed the regular app to get out of TestFlight, and all of my lists are still showing, but all of the rewards I had earned and the things that I have purchased previously from the shop are gone.

Reinstalling the app from TestFlight did restore everything, but how can I make sure that exiting TestFlight in the future doesn’t remove all of my previous rewards and purchases?

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It should be ok once this 2.2.5 is released on the App Store, should both carry over as expected updating to the final version + be included in the auto backups now being made. (There was some data changes here for the iCloud backups feature.)

Will look into this Monday! Good catch/thank you for confirming.

Okay, great! I miss my daily trip the Shop :joy:

Other than the inability to enable to daily quote push, all regular use for me the last 4 days on the beta have been fine. Didn’t notice any other oddities or issues.

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We should be fixing the quote feature issue today.

If anyone here is running the beta, there is something you could check for us.

  1. Use this link to manually trigger the restore UI for these backups:
  2. Cancel out from the list of backups, you don’t have to test restoring to an earlier backup.
  3. But let me know if you see some backups listed (as expected) or if you do not see any at all.

Basically we were seeing some error pings about iCloud not being logged into, for some testers. (If it can’t login it can’t make and store these backups there.)

Trying to figure out if that’s literally the case and we have some testers not logged into iCloud on their device, or if it’s another state we need to more specifically debug/figure out.

I saw a list

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I also get a list of daily backups. Interestingly the list goes back to 6/30 from ‘iPhone’, then changes to ‘iPhone 2’ on 7/11. I had deleted the app and reinstalled around that time - which is probably why the device name changed - maybe?

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Yep! I believe that is expected. (Generally a symptom of Apple being very protective of ‘device IDs’ that could be tracked.)

FWIW I also tried a bunch of restores from old and new backups, as well as an exported file backup and they all worked. Very nice to have the automated daily backup in iCloud. Thanks!!

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I just installed the latest official app store update just now (version 2.2.5)… release notes in app store said that there will now be icloud backups daily… I wanted to know where can one go to see the backups have been done in the UI.

Also I see that the virtual back button is persistently showing and does not disappear… I first thought it was a way to tell new users that this is the new back button but hoped it would disappear but it just stays there in any list I navigate to…

would love a way to disable showing the back button as I know where it is.