Update on iCloud sync

I know this has been covered many times before but wanted to see where the iCloud sync feature was at in the pipeline.

I (re)installed the app today, made some lists and tasks, then decided to delete it to test the secret backup/restore iCloud functionality. Lo and behold, my tasks nor lists restored.

I reallyyy want to switch to Clear as my primary tasks app but without iCloud sync (to be lossless realtime), I cannot jump in fully.

I fully believe this should be the team’s number one priority over anything else. What is the point of committing to an app if I could lose valuable data?

Apart from that, as a legacy user from the iPhone 5 days, I love the new app on my modern iPhone.

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Hmm do you have iCloud backups turned off in your settings? That could get in the way, if not I wonder what went wrong.

We have been working on syncing since early summer, but it’s been a pretty difficult one with the last 10% of it or so stretching out. Trying to get it into ‘forum testing’ shape, but we currently need to fix some performance issues and that’s turned into a rabbit hole.

I do have iCloud backups enabled and Clear is enabled under “Saved to iCloud”. I went thru the tutorial and waited for a couple minutes to no avail after reinstalling the app. What are the specific parameters for the app to backup itself to the hidden iCloud folder?

Sorry I actually meant this specific feature, ‘iCloud Drive’, can you check that it is turned on in Settings app / iCloud / iCloud Drive, and Clear is included in the list of apps syncing to it?

You can also try this support link to see if backups have been made: https://tinyurl.com/ywu8wy5p

Yep, iCloud Drive and Clear specifically are both enabled.

The link also does launch Clear with the option to restore which is great. Also tested the restore by archiving my lists and it restored successfully to a earlier state today!

What parameters trigger a backup assuming it’s not at a set time?

Side note: Are there plans to add recurring tasks as a feature?

That’s good to see the backups there and restore working. I wonder on the reinstall case… it does require an internet connection and could in theory take a bit of time to check for backups, but I would generally expect this process to take a few seconds, certainly not minutes or longer!

I believe the backups are made the first time you open Clear that day.

I would like to add recurring tasks, though we would probably start with simple ‘repeating tasks’ that kind of regenerate after being checked off / cleared. (Repeating scheduled tasks would require more design the next layer after that.)