Recruiting some help to test 2.2.5 before it goes out

Hmm! The back button thing sounds like it could be a bug. Does it fade at all if you tap it like 10 times quickly? (Though I don’t think home level taps will count.)

But it’s possible it reset this flag… which would be annoying for many people. Looking into it here.

no tried tapping it more than ten times but still stays there

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Let me know if you’re able to check in on these for us:
• Is the button pulsing or just static but always showing?
• Is your Blindfolded achievement in Rewards properly progressed as expected?
• If you can send us your log we could try to see if the setting is borked somehow:

  • the button is just static
  • blindfolded reward is completed
  • am sending log to you

quick update:

the virtual button is now gone… what I did is change the theme and that removed the virtual button…

after updating, I had kept the same theme from before the update… did not think of changing it… should not have been the case but at least a simple workaround

hope that helps iron out some findings

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Interesting. Will run that by here. I do expect to hear from some others as people get on the update on this one too, so hopefully we’ll be able to get to the bottom of it.

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