New blue color for project list is unreadable

Is it just me or the new blue is too bright? It really hurts my eyes. That old blue was a classic


Old was much better

Yeah it could use a little more contrast for sure.

FWIW the next update will unlock some themes that you might prefer in the meantime (Iā€™m liking Ultraviolet Classic).

Hopefully the default theme can be improved down the line.

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I thought we sampled directly from the original colors but maybe we got it off. Will take a quick look at this.

I donā€™t mind if the old color is ā€˜updatedā€™, but Iā€™m definitely with the others when it comes to a feeling of decreased readability and ā€œbrightnessā€. It just feels like my eyes are straining a bit.
Maybe split the difference?

You guys were right, something did get mangled in the color values. Will fix this soon.

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I had the early adopters but I donā€™t have any of the vibrant themes, did it get changed?