Do NOT delete your app if it crashes and other migration updates

I have also lost access to my lists - my iPhone automatically updated, can’t seem to get past the demo screens at all

Everything current was deleted with automatic update. Not cool. I’ve been using this app for years. NOTHING IN ARCHIVE as was suggested. Found some VERY OLD lists (from several years ago which had been deleted) under my lists category.

My app keeps crashing. I had just found my old lists but when I tried to access them everything crashed and now it crashes every time I try to open the app.

I only have what looks like an introduction to the app on my iphone now. I can’t get to the screen you are showing above. What should I do?

Used the app last night. Worked like a charm. Opened it this morning and now Unable to access my data.

I just have the new BLUE screen.

Unable to click your “link” to get to logs. I’m on mobile. The link isn’t clickable.

Please advise.

I’m another longtime Clear 1 user (no betas) who had his lists wiped out. Link doesn’t work to send you logs. I undoubtedly have an elderly iPhone backup I could try to use to restore something, but it’s months old and the overwrite would probably be as bad as deleting the app. If there’s an archive on the iPhone/iPad that can be accessed via the new destructive app, let me know. If not, I’ll just wait and hope that you guys can figure out how to access years of lost lists.

Hope you’ve added a solid search function and inter-device synching to the new version. Those lacks were the major failings of version 1.

Got a couple updates this morning.

• Confirmed with a number of people that both ‘old Clear’ and the beta’s local data is included in full device backups in iCloud or elsewhere.

• This is particularly relevant for beta testers who got in a strange situation with their data in migration – restoring to a backup from before January 8th and then installing/launching Clear 2.0 release should get you going in this specific case… (if this is you, please report back on success or issues.) So far I have had 3 past beta testers try this and come out the other end with their lists back in release version.

• For NON testers who had issues upgrading to Clear 2.0. If you have full device backups, the good news is they should include your local Clear data. (Assuming you hadn’t deleted it fully off your device before.)

• Quick sanity check, there have been SOME reports from users who lost their lists on initial update, but returned to the app and found their lists restored. We have no solid theory on this but it’s worth quickly force quitting Clear and relaunching it just in case to see. (Let us know there.)

• But I would hang tight for our TestFlight before simply attempting a restore, the process is a whole thing and takes quite a while to download everything, and will basically rewind your phone’s local data back to the date of the backup. IF you attempt this… do not run Clear on other devices with syncing on through the process, until you are back into Clear 2.0 with your lists intact. We believe wires could be getting crossed there.

• Still working on that Diagnostics Testflight, for the people where Clear is crashing on launch, this should circumvent it enough to send us a log to help us fix that. And for others it will scan all possible buckets for Clear lists data and generate a log so we have an idea of exactly what each of your data situations are.


Got a couple updates this morning.

• Confirmed with a number of people that both ‘old Clear’ and the beta’s local data is included in full device backups in iCloud or elsewhere.

• This is particularly relevant for beta testers who got in a strange situation with their data in migration – restoring to a backup from before January 8th and then installing/launching Clear 2.0 release should get you going in this specific case… (if this is you, please report back on success or issues.) So far I have had 3 past beta testers try this and come out the other end with their lists back in release version.

• For NON testers who had issues upgrading to Clear 2.0. If you have full device backups, the good news is they should include your local Clear data. (Assuming you hadn’t deleted it fully off your device before.)

• Quick sanity check, there have been SOME reports from users who lost their lists on initial update, but returned to the app and found their lists restored. We have no solid theory on this but it’s worth quickly force quitting Clear and relaunching it just in case to see. (Let us know there.)

• But I would hang tight for our TestFlight before simply attempting a restore, the process is a whole thing and takes quite a while to download everything, and will basically rewind your phone’s local data back to the date of the backup. IF you attempt this… do not run Clear on other devices with syncing on through the process, until you are back into Clear 2.0 with your lists intact. We believe wires could be getting crossed there.

• Still working on that Diagnostics Testflight, for the people where Clear is crashing on launch, this should circumvent it enough to send us a log to help us fix that. And for others it will scan all possible buckets for Clear lists data and generate a log so we have an idea of exactly what each of your data situations are.

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Please help! :pray:t3:
I’ve been using Clear for more than 10 years.
I can’t open the app for the last 3-5 days.
I have hundreds if not thousands of items listed there.
How can I recover my lists?
This is very unusual and also frustrating. Not fair.
Please help! :cry:

Trying not to pile on here but as a Clear user for a decade, in a bit of a panic this morning when I updated to the new version and was met with a blank light blue screen (insert nervous laughter.) It won’t load any lists, just repeatedly crashes after about 10 seconds. Looks like there have been some bugs that are being worked through so guessing this is one of them - is there an update on when this may be fixed?

Thanks Clear Team!


Yes by posting here we’ll keep track of you. We are hoping to have a diagnostics TestFlight ready later today that can help us identify this specific crash and fix it. Do not delete the app in the meantime!

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Awesome Phill, thank you and will not delete!


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Can you try relaunching the app? Also do you have the beta app still?

Can you go past the introduction/onboarding? Swipe right multiple times you should complete it.

I too have lost dozens of lists with hundreds of items- which are not available in any other way.
Agree disastrous rollout.
Happy you’re focused on a fix.
Hopeful it works.

EDIT * Everything working!!*
Thanks Phil Ryu!!!

I too have lost all my lists with the new version, except for one really old list. Nothing in Archive either. Was using original version up until the past couple of days and had all my lists, but I guess it was updated to new version and now I’ve lost most lists. New to discussion boards, so will try to monitor responses to my specific case, but would prefer direct email response, if possible.

I think it’s resolved. This could be just a case of user error. It appears that everything is still there. I now have a better idea how to use the app. My notes are in work items and videos and not in To Do’s.

Thank you.

Christopher Holman


LifeBase Solutions

Thank you, thank you thank you!!!:grinning:
The light grey (almost unseeable) semicircle at the bottom of the screen was the secret. Fortunately I found my old lists.
Please let others know of this.
My sincere gratitude


I believe we will directly message you here you when we have the testflight to try or further instructions, and the forum should email you a notification.

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I seem to be stuck on the To Do List. can only remove items from the list but cannot get off that screen