Do NOT delete your app if it crashes and other migration updates

Lost my info. Would appreciate specific help.

Hi Cherian, I did, but I just resent it in case it didnā€™t go through the first time. Thank you so much and just knowing Iā€™ll get that info back is a relief. If you donā€™t see the log or need anything else let me know. Thanks!

Any updates if we canā€™t open the app at all?

Have lost all my info with update also! I saw my previous lists one time and then it started crashing with each open attempt. I canā€™t get it to open at all now.

Canā€™t export with link above as the app wonā€™t stay open. Waiting for the update to get access to my list again :crossed_fingers:

Did you try out the archives and then the export option?

@Cammcbride , @Lorab , @Vodriscoll789 - Prepping a build. You should hear from us soon.

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Iā€™ve also lost 10 years of important lists after the update Monday if youā€™re keeping track. Thank you for looking into data recovery.

Tracked. We are working on the build and will reach out soon.

Btw, did you try the archive lookup and then clicking on the export link?

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App wonā€™t stay open long enough

Hi! Iā€™d like to be also added to the list for help to individuals that the app crashes and wonā€™t stay opened for. Thank you so much! I also cannot stop the app from crashing but will not delete.

No luck with archive. App still seems unstable. I clicked the link per the request.


Hi Cherian
Thanks for your reply however hereā€™s a photo of all that is visible when I open the new version.

As you can see there is little or nothing similar to your photo and definitely no Archive.
I welcome any further assistance you can offer.

Hello,all my lists for years are gone, and have reverted to a list that must be from 2016 or earlier! I love this app so much, itā€™s like my second brainā€¦been putting all my notes and ideas here for years. Nothing in Archive when I go there. Praying for recovery and assistanceā€¦:pray:


Canā€™t even get app to open. it crashed before opening. Will not delete. I hope my many years of lists are not gone.

I have the same issue. The app just crashes. It shows the number of to do list items on the icon but it just opens a blank blue screen and then crashes. Please deal with this asap. I have a lot of important information in the lists Iā€™ve lost. Thank you very much!

I lost everything and yes, I had a bunch of lists including one huge one. So frustrating. Hopefully there is a fix, I need my lists!

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Same here! Hours of notes for writing projects gone this morning!

Try tapping the light gray semicircle at the bottom of the screen (or a long swipe down gesture). Then Clear will go to another level above the lists. It will have a bunch of other lists like personalise, rewards, shop and at the bottom, archive. If you look in the archive list, is it empty?

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Hi, I have lost all my notes as well. Probably the app updated automatically and suddenly I have lost everything. Please help!!!