Do NOT delete your app if it crashes and other migration updates

This might be the major remaining case we need to solve, the ‘black screen with onboarding background sounds playing’ bug.

We will start hunting down this issue today, will reach out to some of you if we need any logs. Seems to have something to do with the onboarding ‘cards’ sequence.

Overall planning to submit a 2.0.1 hot fix later today that should take care of most other cases, at least the ones where people didn’t panic delete their app. Then we will plan on any additional fixes we figure out for a followup 2.0.2. (And test those fixes with people writing in as we have been for 2.0.1 fixes.)

Phil I still didnt get my TestFlight

Would you describe your crash on launch as ‘stuck on a blue screen’ or ‘stuck on a black screen with sounds playing in the background’?

If the former the fix will definitely help you and I can send you it to try early. (The latter we will be diving into this week.)

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Just got your email + sent a reinvite. If you haven’t received this in a few minutes I would check junk filter just in case!

I got it. And now what?

Did you install it? Can you navigate to ‘My Lists’ level of the app and check there? And it might be worth going to Home > Archive too.

Use the new back gesture to move around the app (tap near bottom center of the screen above the iOS gesture bar you use to exit apps).

Don’t have a ton of specific information on your case but it’s possible it’s a legacy data case, which build 8049 on TestFlight now properly scans for / tries to merge into My Lists.

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‘Stuck on a blue screen’ with no noises.



We have been testing a fix for this one successfully. Sending you a TestFlight invite. (Though at this point, you also have the option of waiting for its public release as well, we should be submitting in the next couple hours… so probably out overnight.)

Hey I had actually sent you an invite already but I also did ‘reinvite’ you just now as well. If you don’t see an email soon about TestFlight invite, maybe check your junk filter in case and let me know.


We’ll add you to the TestFlight later today.

Just wanted to let you know I installed the 2.02 version and, after a mild heart attack when my stubborn ‘Shopping List’ caused a 3 or 4 second-long freeze when I opened it, it worked perfectly. I was able to delete the thousands of checked off items (thanks for the tip about scrolling to the bottom and pulling to empty it). Also, now that I know it’s a thing that exists, I much prefer the invisible back button to pinching the screen to go backwards. I still wish I could get my themes back that are gone, but I’m too happy the app is working to care. Thanks so much!


Fantastic to hear. Yeah we need to optimize the list opening times, I didn’t realize how badly it can choke on super long lists, and it must be responsible for some of the feedback of “the new Clear takes forever to launch”.

And yeah the back button REALLY needs to be taught properly. The 2.0.1 adds a visible back arrow that I think really makes it more obvious in a good way. Don’t love how the left arrow doesn’t match our spatial organization but I will live with it. Will have to see other improvements we can make over time.

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It seems that I have also encountered the issue of crashes with long lists. Please add me to TestFlight.When operating, are there any specific things I should pay attention to?

Hey hang tight actually, the update is under review by Apple now. Unless they reject it it will probably be live on the App Store in the next few hours.

(Though if you need to get back into your lists ASAP I can still send you a TestFlight invite. You could just avoid all those hoops by waiting a few hours though or grabbing it tomorrow morning. Either way let me know.)

Update seems to have fixed issues and rescued lists - well done and thanks!

Hi Phill,

Version 2.0.1 fixes the crashes. One issue the persists is the inability to mark a scheduled item as complete or snooze when it pops up as a notification. Another issue is that the “swipe further right” to schedule an item is cumbersome: you need to click on the item below to be able to swipe and it is all too easy to swipe “not enough” and mark as complete rather than invoking the schedule menu. The previous system of being able to tap just below the text to enter a scheduled alarm felt quicker and less frustrating.

Hope this helps,


Whew ok good to hear you’re back in.

Noted about the complete/snooze. (You mean via the iOS push itself?)

I agree the reminder interaction has areas for improvement. (We moved it there so it’s there when you need it vs. always asking ‘add notification’ whenever you add anything. I think that’s an important improvement, but the current take has some issues too.)

Re: notifications, yes, unable to complete/snooze those appearing as a notification on either Lock Screen, notifications pull down or banner.



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Guys this is it? We cant recover our lists anymore or?

It worked here. All lists back.
Context: new iPhone, same iCloud, synced, Clear updated auto, all lists disappeared, old-old (maybe legacy) lists appeared (useless) :man_shrugging:t2:. I deleted all old (legacy) lists. Added a new list to test (Clear 2.0). No beta, no TestFlight download. Just a normal 10y user.

Then, after last update, all lists back, including the last one added with Clear 2.0. :raised_hands:
Don’t do it again.

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