Do NOT delete your app if it crashes and other migration updates

I will be sending you an email and TestFlight to try in a bit.

Hello! My lists were all recovered when I downloaded TestFlight! Thank you so much! I am relieved. This is what I see when I make a list.

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Whew thank you for reporting back with the good news and sorry for putting you through all this! If the TestFlight fixed worked, once Clear 2.0.1 is released to everyone you should be able to update and go back to the App Store version.

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The second test flight worked for me to restore my lists but the app is still very finicky - crashes often, slow to type, etc

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Thank you so much! No problem. Trial and error.

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Ok here’s what’s going on. You probably have some lists with tons of items in them, like thousand+

This TestFlight implemented some basic optimization so Clear can now handle extremely long lists without crashing. However there is going to be more work to do in updates to further optimize performance.

For the time being:

If the thousands of items in these lists happen to be crossed off items you haven’t cleared, and you do not need those saved, go ahead and possibly break the record for the most items cleared away in one go. Scroll all the way to the bottom, and pull up past the end to clear them away.

If you feel the need to keep them, you could use the batch drag & drop + dragging between lists to move out the important stuff into a new list that will perform appropriately speedily.

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Made some progress through today. So far of the people who tried the new beta including these fixes I would say it appears to rescue ~70% of the cases. Will sanity check/test with some more of you through tomorrow, then on Monday aim to submit an initial 2.0.1 hot fix asap.

Then on to the remaining 30% as far as we can.

I don’t know if I ever posted earlier in this thread with a guesstimate of the amount of people affected by this issue. I still don’t have a precise bead, but for sure, what I had originally thought was something like 1%, is very likely more like 10% of Clear users migrating who were affected. That’s obviously quite a disaster situation.

One of the worst parts coming to light as we unravel this is how it ended up being more likely to affect some of our longest time users and Clear fans… specifically the crash on super long lists, and original migration not picking up on legacy data store that is connected only to some people who started using our app over ten years ago.

Anyways, it does make me feel hopeful that we have some concrete fixes that will definitely help lots of people. And yeah, we’ll go from there.


I’m adding my ‘voice’ to the cacophony of concerns!

Did the update, lost my lists, and it doesn’t sync with my desktop. Which as it turns out, hasn’t been included in the updated version?

I’ll add - the version I updated to - isn’t clean, simple, just a list? Which is the entire reason I loved it. And wanted to get back the old version.

I appreciate the complexity of upgrades, keeping the app alive. But this should never have been released. Until rock solid. Especially given your beta-program.

I won’t delete the app just yet. If you are building a debug tool. Sorry to add to the moans, but if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


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Hi Phil, do I install the new Clear app on TestFlight when it asks me?


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Yes please go ahead, it is safe to install the TestFlight. The only hard rule is avoid manually deleting Clear off your phone at any point.

Can you email me at with a copy of your post? I’d like to get you on the TestFlight though curious on a few more details. You could also iMessage me at the same address, could be a little quicker.

Amid all the quiet optimism that we may be close to regaining our old lists (and I am definitely one of the long-time users whose missing lists may include very long comet trails of ‘crossed-off’ items), I am a bit gun shy about deleting the app and permantently losing all my invisible lists. So when I go to the new iteration of Test Flight and click on the install Clear 2.0.2 button I see this warning:

“You already have the app installed: Do you want to replace the current version with the test version? You may lose the app’s data. —> Cancel or Install”

I should go ahead and tap Install, right? FYI i haven’t added anything to the new Clear 2.0 so it is just sitting there looking empty.

Yes this dialogue should actually be safe. Can’t guarantee it will bring them back but it also should not make your situation any worse. In your case I’m hopeful it’s a 2012-2014 legacy data case that we now properly pick up on, which if it finds, will try to merge into your lists.

My lists are still gone, app won’t even open

Blue screen, then it crashes after 8 seconds

I’m going to send you a hot fix update to try early. Am about 99% confident it will solve this for you. Look for an email from me with instructions + separate email invite for the update via TestFlight.

That’s my experience too! My blank screen is a dark grey and the sound is ocean wave-like. And then, it just closes after a couple of seconds. If I close it on my own, the sounds lingers for a bit before stopping as well. It’s maddening. I miss the app.

No answer from you :confused:

I apologize, sending you a TestFlight invite now, because it should definitely get you back in. (Looks like the long lists crasher.)

Just adding my name to list of people who can’t access Clear. Never been a beta tester, auto updated, now crashes on loading so can’t access any log. Reminders still pop up on Lock Screen so they must be in the background, but can’t clear or snooze them. You should charge for this app - it is clearly popular and so much easier to use than Reminders; a small contribution would seem fair.

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