Clear for Apple Watch TestFlight

We have a TestFlight build up with work-in-progress Clear Watch app.

Quick video demo on twitter:

If you have a Watch and want to help test you can sign up here. If you previously beta tested, you may need to remove yourself from that TestFlight group in the TF app first, then accept this invite.

Give it a spin (you may need to install it from the Watch app on phone after updating) and please report any issues or general feedback in this thread.

Please note this beta’s shop is disabled.

Testing notes:

• FOR NOW: on first launch, open Clear iPhone once to pull in your lists
• Tap & hold to add item or list
• Tap along left side of screen to check things off (unmute for sounds)
• Basic initial circular complication for a shortcut on your Watch face

Still todo:
• Theme support
• Widgets will not sync changes made on Watch until app is opened on iPhone, hoping to find a way to address this
• Auto pull in your lists on first launch of Watch app
• Maybe some more shortcut complications for couple other shapes/types?

Thank you for testing. Please report issues (especially data not syncing) and general feedback in the Watch app thread at!

I will also note we are deliberately targeting a pretty minimalist set of core functions for the initial release. Should be fairly competitive in functionality with other todo Watch apps but it’s certainly not meant to mirror the full blown iPhone experience.

There’s some possibility to layer on further functionality in the future (sorting? editing? clearing or deleting?) but I also don’t want to rush into those, the Watch form factor I think is very sensitive to overstuffing it, and it’s an even more constrained puzzle in terms of custom gestures or interactions.

So starting very simple and we’ll see if inspiration brews for further iterating in the future.

If you are testing and want to go back to the App Store version, go to Clear’s page and install the latest again. Do not uninstall Clear!


so far so good. simple. works. adding todos via watch using voice is great and so far mistake free,

at some stage will tapping on addresses open in maps or is that beyond the watch’s capability?

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It’s running really smooth and quick. Love that I can see and mark off my list as I’m going, without grabbing my phone. No issues at all so far.


Will need to look into the links, probably after initial release. I guess web links wouldn’t work without a browser! But maybe other types still can.

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So far so good using the watch app beta. However I have run into an issue that may have more to do with the shop being closed for the beta than the actual beta build.

If I install the beta all of the recent themes I purchased aren’t showing up and won’t show up after doing a restore purchase. If I swap back to the App Store build and do a restore purchase they do come back.

Curious if this is a bug or by design?


There is definitely a sandbox testing environment for IAP in betas, and IAP are free for testing there. But yeah I think it makes sense they are a bit separate, for example makes sense a tester can’t restore all the free purchases they made while testing in the live version.

Gotcha. That makes sense but just to be clear. These themes I mentioned were actually purchased using IAP via the App Store builds, not in the betas. It’s all good either way as they show back up when using the App Store release. It’s just the first time I’d seen that happen and it’s only missing themes bought in the last several days prior to installing the beta which seemed odd.
Thanks for the reply man.

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Ahh ok that’s probably more specific in that the Watch TestFlight build I think doesn’t have the latest 2.2.1 changes (including the newest themes) merged in its branch. There’s some more work going on in parallel right now.

Oh, I’m sorry I can’t check all this since I sold my Apple Watch a couple of months ago. Reading all this here, the craving is more and more. Now I want them again so that Clear is always on my wrist.


Ahh ok that makes total sense. Thanks for the reply.

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just to ask to be prepared in advance. what is the correct way to move back to the non test flight version?


@Madeirabhoy In think it’s pretty standard in TestFlight to have Stop Testing at the bottom of each app. Here’s my Monzo TestFlight build:

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When the final version is released to the App Store you should be able to just install it over the beta and proceed.

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Working well for me. Love the simple interface. Would love the “empty list quotes” to display. Also noticed a list with everything completed does not display as a crossed off list in the list view. Not a big deal for me but thought I’d mention it. Sync appears to be working well for me.


I just stopped the beta test. And I don’t have any items in the shop…

I’d like to test but having trouble getting in when I launch TestFlight it’s requiring a redeem code. . Help?

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Joined the Test Beta,

Things worked fine. But I disliked not having the daily shop, so I stopped the beta. Everything was still disabled, so I deleted and reinstalled. Everything is gone. All my lists built up over the months, all my icons, fonts achievements… everything.

  1. Is there anyway to restore everything I had? Is there any icloud backup or anything?
  2. Am I SOL?
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Ah crap. For anyone else reading you should definitely not uninstall Clear, until the iCloud backup/restore system is in! If you are testing and want to go back to App Store version, simply install the latest Clear from App Store again and it will be fine.

Do you have full device iCloud backups on? Those do include your local Clear data, it’s just a pain since it’s restoring your entire phone!

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Hmm so you have TestFlight app installed already from App Store? I think if you tap the link on your phone after it’s installed it should work.

You should actually go to the App Store and just install the latest, that’ll get you back on the regular version: ‎Clear Lists on the App Store