Clear 2.4 is out! (Featuring Clear Pro with Apple Watch, Lock Screen Widgets etc.)

Thank you all for your feedback and quite a bit of support writing in for our Clear Pro plans. It’s now rolling out on the App Store!

This is an important release so I set it to a ‘phased rollout’. It means you can grab it manually from the App Store, but auto updates will be going out much more slowly. We will be holding back on mailing a project update or officially announcing the update until some of you get your hands on it and can verify it’s looking good. Will be monitoring the situation, and please report any issues in this thread!

As current users you will keep existing features for free, and can subscribe at a discounted rate of $2.99 per month or $24.99/year for new and upcoming pro features.

Apple Watch (New)

Clear is back on Apple Watch for Pro members and its colorful minimalism translates well to the small screen. In our humble opinions, is now the best listing app on Watch.

For Watch owners it’s a great way to quickly reference your lists on your wrist, especially useful when your hands are busy. (Like grocery shopping, at the gym, or cooking.)

Tap along the left margin of a list to check things off, or tap and hold to create a new list item (or list on the My Lists level).

The Watch app also includes complication options to set up shortcuts directly into specific lists from the watch face.

Lockscreen Widgets (New)

We’ve also added two new lockscreen widget options for Pro members. Pick between a simple “Check List”, which lets you tap and complete items directly from your lock screen, or a “Reference List” option that is not interactive but lets you keep a denser reference list handy.

Note: On FaceID devices, by default iOS will obscure the items in your list until you look at your phone. However if you find it useful and safe to display your list, you can toggle this setting in the Settings app under FaceID:

Syncing When?

Now that we have Clear Pro shipped, iOS syncing and Clear Web alpha are our top priority for Pro members. We’ve been internally testing this, and should be ready to start a TestFlight rollout in the forums this coming month.

For most of you we recommend hanging tight until we complete some robust testing and polish it up for shipping. But if you’re willing to take on some risks and help us test, look out for a recruitment thread in the forums.

Free Time for Shop Customers

If you’ve purchased 5 or more collectibles in the shop, you should be greeted with a special popup when you open the Clear Pro screen. Tap this and send the prewritten message to us via iMessage and we will be distributing promo codes for free Clear Pro membership time as a thank-you for your support so far.

(We’ll be manually responding to these iMessages so please allow some turnaround time!)

Thank You

After announcing Clear Pro we received feedback and messages of support from hundreds of Clear users around the world.

I know many of us are fatigued by so many things going subscription these days, and had some indie friends warn us – no matter what, get ready for some mob of angry people.

However I was quite surprised at the level of support, and how gracious many of you were about the big picture and real costs of ongoing development and support, even when expressing strong anti-subscription stances.

In the end there was no real angry mob that showed up – just a whole bunch of Clear fans trying to help us figure out a solution to our business problem in good faith.

Overall it affirmed some real agreement about the project’s main mission: setting Clear on a path to be there for you through the longterm future.

Clear Pro will need to prove its ongoing worth to enough of you to be a success, but I’m hopeful there are enough of you out there to get this launched on a promising start.

Finally for those of you who are ready to join up as soon as it’s out – thank you for supporting the app and its indie development, from the bottom of my heart. It was touching hearing from many of you about just how valuable and even indispensable the app has been in your varied lives and careers.

This love for Clear means quite a lot, especially in the modern App Store where it can be extremely difficult for anything indie to survive, let alone thrive. We will do our best to make your support worth its while, and continue to improve the base app and Pro membership’s usefulness moving forward.

Cheers to the next decade of listing with Clear! :beers:


Thanks Team! I downloaded the app from the App Store. I was part of your test pilot for this release, had reverted and downloaded the store app prior to today and unenrolled from the test flight (replacing the test pilot version prior to the update today). I am seeing that I’m “Clear Pro” without doing anything (as I was with the test pilot version). I see this in the Clear Pro menu item - last item says “Thanks for being a Clear Pro subscriber!” Interestingly I didn’t get any pop up for promo code (even though I’m pretty sure I have purchased more than 5 items). Also seeing a price of $29.99 if I do select the “thanks for being pro” item on the list. Also not seeing “Unlocked” on the pro items in the pro list (Apple Watch, Lock Screen widgets, monthly themes, support indie devs), although confirmed I have the watch app, Lock Screen widget, and monthly themes. Probably all oddities based on my test flight previous enrollment.


Definitely some wires crossed going on there.

It’s expected Watch/Lock Screen/Monthly Collectibles would not be unlocked for legacy users as they are new Pro features, but the rest sounds like something is not hooked up right.

Thank you for the report, we will look into this immediately.

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Hey, if possible would you be able to use the following link to send in logs to our support email? It may help us narrow down the exact issue when moving from TestFlight over to the live version:


Done :grinning:

Thank you!

Same here, no pop up greeting for the shopping credit upon opening.

My app already said pro, however I still subscribed, but even after subscribing there are no unlocks next to
Apple Watch, widgets or monthly themes:

Also, should there be a way to purchase the pro subscription in the shop? I did not see that option,but maybe that is because I was already legacy pro? It looked like I had to click on support indie dev to purchase the pro subscription, but was not specific should someone want to purchase pro, how they are to find the right place to buy it.


Congratulations on the release! :partying_face:


Definitely looks like there is a bug to fix for those of you who were on the TestFlight. We should be able to handle this is an update I think.

That’s a good point about the shop, will think on that!

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Congratulations on the launch!


If you were using the Apple Watch TestFlight, will you be grandfathered into the watch feature as a “legacy” version, similarly to the already-shipped features?

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We are not, and this will also be policy moving forward for future pro features and testing, like syncing. I apologize about the expectation, at the time of early testing we were not sure yet on Clear Pro plans. If you send me an imessage at about this, I will hook you up with a 3 month code as thanks for testing. (Honor system.)

@phillryu congrats on the release! I didn’t see any special pop up as well (I’ve bought plenty more than 5 before), and also moved to release from the latest TestFlight.

Should I just wait for an update?

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Thank you!

So we’re debugging and discussing options here. I think with this issue (shop customers popup not happening, mostly if you were helping us test Clear Pro) we will most likely be able to patch in a support link that re-checks and pops it if criteria is met.

‘Worst case scenario’ we will help you and others affected on honor system but let me investigate more with the team to see if we can handle it in a more automatic way with fix update.


Morning Phill, a huge congratulations to all the team on the launch of Clear Pro!

A couple of pieces of feedback having gone through the subscription process which has unlocked Clear Pro on my iPhone 16. All good here however on my Apple Watch Series 6 I have installed Clear however it errors me with “requires a Clear Pro Subscription”. I have turned both devices off and on again (go the IT Crowd😊) however the same error message remains.

As an aside in the iPhone screenshot note the Clear Pro page obscures the status bar (being turned on)


Ok :+1: I am facing the same problem as above. Tried this morning, and now saw the post

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Appreciate the report! We will try to reproduce the watch issue here tomorrow. In the meantime please chime in if anyone else is experiencing this!

P.S. let me know if the status of watch app for you changes, or maybe if adding anything to Clear on iPhone changes it. (It would send some data over to the watch app.)

Phill, I deleted the Clear watch app and then reinstalled it. Now it says “Please open the phone app to sync with Clear watch”. I have done this and nothing happens.
Question: I have a lot of data in the app - will this affect the time it takes to sync?
(I also note you are doing a staged roll out of the new Clear Pro version. I did not wait for my iPhone to automatically update the app, rather went to the App Store and did this manually)

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Hmmm… it’s possible if you have a ton of lists perhaps. (Unarchived ones.) We will try to do some testing on this tomorrow!

Have some 85 lists which contain 3,380 plus items (archive list contains a similar amount). I don’t need all of these lists on my Apple Watch though, only those I use the most regularly.