Thank you all for your feedback and quite a bit of support writing in for our Clear Pro plans. It’s now rolling out on the App Store!
This is an important release so I set it to a ‘phased rollout’. It means you can grab it manually from the App Store, but auto updates will be going out much more slowly. We will be holding back on mailing a project update or officially announcing the update until some of you get your hands on it and can verify it’s looking good. Will be monitoring the situation, and please report any issues in this thread!
As current users you will keep existing features for free, and can subscribe at a discounted rate of $2.99 per month or $24.99/year for new and upcoming pro features.
Apple Watch (New)
Clear is back on Apple Watch for Pro members and its colorful minimalism translates well to the small screen. In our humble opinions, is now the best listing app on Watch.
For Watch owners it’s a great way to quickly reference your lists on your wrist, especially useful when your hands are busy. (Like grocery shopping, at the gym, or cooking.)
Tap along the left margin of a list to check things off, or tap and hold to create a new list item (or list on the My Lists level).
The Watch app also includes complication options to set up shortcuts directly into specific lists from the watch face.
Lockscreen Widgets (New)
We’ve also added two new lockscreen widget options for Pro members. Pick between a simple “Check List”, which lets you tap and complete items directly from your lock screen, or a “Reference List” option that is not interactive but lets you keep a denser reference list handy.
Note: On FaceID devices, by default iOS will obscure the items in your list until you look at your phone. However if you find it useful and safe to display your list, you can toggle this setting in the Settings app under FaceID:
Syncing When?
Now that we have Clear Pro shipped, iOS syncing and Clear Web alpha are our top priority for Pro members. We’ve been internally testing this, and should be ready to start a TestFlight rollout in the forums this coming month.
For most of you we recommend hanging tight until we complete some robust testing and polish it up for shipping. But if you’re willing to take on some risks and help us test, look out for a recruitment thread in the forums.
Free Time for Shop Customers
If you’ve purchased 5 or more collectibles in the shop, you should be greeted with a special popup when you open the Clear Pro screen. Tap this and send the prewritten message to us via iMessage and we will be distributing promo codes for free Clear Pro membership time as a thank-you for your support so far.
(We’ll be manually responding to these iMessages so please allow some turnaround time!)
Thank You
After announcing Clear Pro we received feedback and messages of support from hundreds of Clear users around the world.
I know many of us are fatigued by so many things going subscription these days, and had some indie friends warn us – no matter what, get ready for some mob of angry people.
However I was quite surprised at the level of support, and how gracious many of you were about the big picture and real costs of ongoing development and support, even when expressing strong anti-subscription stances.
In the end there was no real angry mob that showed up – just a whole bunch of Clear fans trying to help us figure out a solution to our business problem in good faith.
Overall it affirmed some real agreement about the project’s main mission: setting Clear on a path to be there for you through the longterm future.
Clear Pro will need to prove its ongoing worth to enough of you to be a success, but I’m hopeful there are enough of you out there to get this launched on a promising start.
Finally for those of you who are ready to join up as soon as it’s out – thank you for supporting the app and its indie development, from the bottom of my heart. It was touching hearing from many of you about just how valuable and even indispensable the app has been in your varied lives and careers.
This love for Clear means quite a lot, especially in the modern App Store where it can be extremely difficult for anything indie to survive, let alone thrive. We will do our best to make your support worth its while, and continue to improve the base app and Pro membership’s usefulness moving forward.
Cheers to the next decade of listing with Clear!