Can’t access shop

I can’t access shop section, it keeps saying “Requires Internet”.

I clearly have internet connection and gave the app the needed permissions.

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Hey Anny, I feel like I had heard from one other person about this issue… Does it still have issues even if you turn off wifi (so you’re on cellular) or connect to other wifi? And does a reboot do anything?

There’s another report I’m thinking of but some similarities with this one too: Question about the Shop - #11 by BillQ

Hi, turns out I couldn’t access shop with the vpn enabled. I’ll whitelist Clear later, so I can use it with the vpn on.

Now that I can access shop, I can see ~15 paid items, but I can even find the themes which were advertised on social media, so looks like I can see part of the shop.
I purchased „space program“ out of curiosity, this works as an icon, not a theme (is it correct behavior?).

Are the shop items geo-based (geo-restricted)? Does vpn really affect shop and purchasing process?

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Ahhh interesting with the VPN, that’s good to know. I’ll ask on that, as far as I know we don’t try or at least mean to restrict anything there.

The shop rotates everyday! And yes there are app icons, color themes, quote packs, sound packs and fonts (fonts are always free) that may show up depending on the day.