Store not working

I live in Germany and I can‘t buy anything from the store inside of Clear. In case I want to redeem a free theme „fetching from App Store“ opens, the AppStore confirmation windows opens and after I log in via FaceID nothing happens. No new theme or anything.

It’s working fine for me, I just purchased the free Culkave font from the shop now. All working good.
If you tried to purchase a theme, did it go through ? Did you get charged ? If yes. You must find it in themes under Personalized tab.
And if the purchase didn’t go through, try restarting your iPhone, make sure the date and time are set to automatic. And try to close the app completely and open it again and try to make the purchase again.

Thanks for your comment. The purchase did go through. Restarted my phone and app and tried it with the Gulkave font. Still not working. The new font does not show up in the font selection under the personalize tab. Tried reinstalling the app but this wasn‘t the solution.

Hmm. If any purchase went through and you were charged, restore purchases (at bottom of shop) is another option. Do you buy IAP in other apps ok? And does the purchase show up in your App Store purchase history?

Restore purchases does nothing. I haven‘t tried buying something from the store for money. I‘ve only tested it with the free items like the font I‘ve mentioned. In app purchases work in every other app. The purchase of a free item does not show up in the purchase history in the app store.