Restoring purchases

Hi there. I am a clear user since the new version came out. I made several purchases (themes, fonts etc). I had to restore my iphone as a new device yesterday, and even though I am logged in with my apple id, I can’t restore any previous Clear in-app purchase (but I can see the list of them on my in-app purchases section in the app store).
Any help please?
Thank you for your work!

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Hey, so to confirm have you tried the “Restore Purchases” link at the bottom of the shop? (And checked respective personalization sections after for these items, it probably wouldn’t be marked as ‘new’)

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Yes, I tried to restore them from that link and I checked into the relative sections. I noticed that some of the fonts are back, but the themes are still missing!

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Can you let me know which themes? Probably referencing names on the IAP receipts!

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I think the themes were creamsicle and pistachio cream. I just noticed that I can’t find some of them within apple receipts, even though I regurarly purchased them… I am so sorry for this. The theme I am missing the most was a beautiful tender pink, I’m attaching a screenshot which I took a few days ago from one of my lists before restoring the iphone.

Ok no problem. Try using one of the referral links in this thread: Referrals thread - claim a gift - #28 by Nina20

That has a chance to unlock I think. But otherwise it should just have a small chance to unlock whenever you check something off, or pull to clear completed items away.

Were you beta testing? (Those themes if purchased as a tester wouldn’t carry over.) But yeah I guess let me know if a future shop purchase does not seemingly go through, showing up in receipt etc.

You can also unlock some others though not from the pastel set this way: Redeem gifts in new Clear App - #3 by phillryu

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I followed your first link and I was able to redeem pistachio and mint from pastel set, but still not the pink one :frowning:
I was not a developer by the way. I think the pink theme was from a gift link as the ones you posted, so it explains why I can’t see the receipts for it.
I hope the pastel set is coming back soon so I can purchase it at this point!
Thank you so much for your work and your kindness.

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I’ll private message you another tip.

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