Apple Watch is a must

It would be hard to overstate how critical Apple Watch support is for me. I often leave my phone behind and use the watch for paying for everything, music, and of course shopping lists.

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I’m not sure Clear is the type of app that would be very intuitive on a watch. I don’t think the screen is large enough or receptive enough (for Clear or any gesture-based app).


If Reminders are brought back, and all signs point that they are, an apple watch widget could trigger reminders. And it might be helpful to be able swipe through list items and check them off. Or you could work through Siri to make changes to Clear.

I currently use OurGroceries for the watch functionality. Just tap on an item to remove it from the list. Siri would be problematic both because it doesn’t work correctly when listening on AirPods and because you’d look like a dork in the store.

I’d personally hope the devs prioritize refreshed Mac and iPad apps before adding a new platform. (Old Clear didn’t support watchOS, did it?) Watch support could bring in some new users, but there are existing users who will already be unable to return to their old Mac/iPad/iPhone sync workflows when New Clear launches. In fact, the inability to sync makes me forget to use Clear occasionally—my phone will be charging in another room, a list idea will come to me, and I’ll just forget about it by the time my phone is charged.

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