My personal wishlist request (I’ve been thinking on this since this thread was created).
My favourite all-time TV show is The X-Files. A checkmark could be added to the “X” logo. Please!
Second choice would be Buffy the Vampire Slayer. “Clear” in the same font style as “Buffy” in the logo.
I love this one
Have you ever thing about adding options to personalize icons setting during the day? , for example I can set my “latte” icon in the morning , then “just do it icon” to work and then the “gym bag” icon when hitting the gym. Just some idea to put on the table that maybe users would like.
I think the trouble with that is iOS won’t let you do that seamlessly in the background. Apple required you to be in the app and acknowledge the icon change pop up for security reasons AFAIK.
Yeah unfortunately it would require/trigger that icon change popup when you open the app, and only change then. Pretty clunky with iOS’s constraints which is holding me back on this one.
(They are really paranoid about apps using icons in more animated ways to display status etc, probably some combination of user confusion and battery concerns.)
And security concerns if an app pretends to be another app
This may not be much of a creative idea, but what about making the default icon available for use in other themes? Borrowing an icon from a different theme kind of feels like breaking the rules, but hey, it’s the default one, and I miss it at times.
TECHNICALLY you should be able to do that with a workaround too.
- Select theme you want to use the matching app icon / have Clear set that icon
- Select the color theme you want to use in app, then force quit the app, circumventing the matching app icon swap, which triggers when you exit your theme list normally
That’s the workaround. This way you can combine your favorite theme and your favorite icon.
Lol this works! I once tried this with the shop and the icon was properly switched back, so I assumed you can’t do this with your collectibles too.
An idea just popped into my head that I would love! An icon of the Iron Man arc reactor in his suit!
Hmm yeah that makes me think of the flux capacitor too
Ooh Marvel opens up a ton of ideas. Maybe something LOTR related like Bilbo’s green door with a check scratched into it?
We definitely need some more LOTR inspired stuff… no joke when I was in high school my family got so into Fellowship we went to see it in theaters like 6 times. Soundtrack was playing in the car for months lol.
As we’re diving into movie stuff:
- a Harry Potter inspired wand that makes a check?
- Harry Potter’s scar, but tweaked into a check?
- Neo from Matrix, bent backwards with one leg up to make a check?
- something something Game of Thrones
And a random side idea: a chess board with a check move on the board?
Wow the check move idea is quite meta lol. I like it, probably best if there’s some layout that includes both that and a visible check in the placement or something but yeah huh!
You could do a spoof of the classic Disney channel logo thing but instead the “wand” is drawing the Clear check
Mind posting an image reference?