Any plan for multi-line, codeblock/Markdown support for each Clear entry?

One of the way I use Clear is to read book, by creating one entry per paragraph.

It’ll be great if each entry can have multiple lines, codeblock or markdown support, then I’ll be able to finish Donny Wals’ book on Clear :smiley:


Haha, I don’t think I ever imagined ‘read a whole book in Clear’ as a usecase! :sweat_smile: I would need to familiarize myself more with markdown support, I could see us supporting some of them at the least if they can be as there as you need it like the current subheaders / caption style text.

What were you imagining with ‘multiple lines’ support?


For me, one of the use case for multillines in an entry is I am able to enter more stuff in a single entry, and check it off at one go.

As for markdown, not necessarily the full markdown support, but rather simple formatting (Bold, Italic, monospace text) should be good enough, in my opinion.

For example

Ah ok. For now I would suggest maybe trying the multi-touch support to swipe both items at once :slight_smile: But yeah we will be thinking more on formatting along the lines of the current header/caption stylings.

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Hmm true, horizontal lines do seem quite nice. Wonder how they would feel with the more obviously heat mapped themes, but this is one of those things I’ll do casually on paper lists, and we want to capture that kind of thing with this new feature. Will be thinking on this when we return to do a polish pass on these.


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It’s neat seeing centered text and the lines across. Overall my take is kind of like… if it’s something you do on paper lists casually to format them (underlining the list title, centering some maybe, or including some space between sections, that kind of thing) we should probably figure out how to support them. Will probably return to this in a pass at some point to look into expanding it a bit.

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I love how you can add a “:” at the end of an entry and it becomes bold. I use this in a shopping list to make headings for different departments. For example “Veggies” or “Meat” and they would have items relating underneath. But when I swipe to check off an item it falls to the bottom of the entire list and then when I swipe to reactivate it, it appears at the bottom of all the active items. What about if when you swiped to check it off it went to the bottom of the heading it is under? So for example when you swiped “carrots” it would go to the bottom of the “Veggies” section but stay above the “Meat” heading. You could maybe use a “;” instead of “:” to mark these as sections.