Search bar for long lists

I’m quite interested in Spotlight search support for those reasons. We will look into this…


What you could do to access the search bar is pulling down from the title of the list/area you are in. I do love the idea of a spotlight search, but this idea popped into my head so I thought I’d share it.

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Even if not spotlight, maybe a search page in-app (perhaps its own category on the main Clear page). I’ve been using Clear a lot for long detailed lists too, to track project milestones etc, something I didn’t think I’d use a minimal list making app for lol, and that would def be handy :slight_smile:


i think the search should be hidden, but what to bring it out?

what i notice is that there is a duplication. to get a new item at the top of a list you can pull down. but you can also tap on the list name. maybe tapping on list name could produce the search box?


I think further out in the future, when Clear has personalizable gestures, it could be a good time to consider an in-app search as an action to pair. So you can swap pull to go back with search for instance. But personalizable gestures is probably like… a 2.5 or even 3.0 marquee feature kind of thing, so Spotlight Search is intriguing, and it would stay useful even if we add in-app option.

Have to look into it though, if the spotlight search integration requires swift data or something then it’s more involved!


We are looking into Spotlight search integration today: