Lost all my data

My Clear app just updated and all my data disappeared! I have 3 years worth of stuff in it including padlock combintaions. What can I do???

I’m around right now. Send me an iMessage at phill@impending.com and let’s debug this, have a couple options that may help you today. In the meantime do not Delete/fully uninstall Clear, it should still have your data in it.

Cleared this one up with Rick. It was the confusing back button, which… we need to make less confusing. On exiting tutorial list he found his lists there. :+1:

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If there is a process or protocol to try to bring back lost lists, can you please forward ? - it would be really appreciated - thank you joe@liebke.com

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I’ll email you with some questions and should be able to get you on that TestFlight.