I’ve already installed the 2.2 version that I linked to. But it’s not executed and it’s forced to shut down

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I’ve already updated it. I updated it to the latest version. I could see all the notes in the old version before the update. And of course, I could have edited it. After the update, only the black screen comes out and I hear a strange sound. And the app is forced to shut down. Migration is impossible.

I’ve already installed the 2.2 version that I linked to. But it’s not executed and it’s forced to shut down. What am I supposed to do now???

This black screen issue, we’ve been trying to reproduce and chase it down with about a half dozen of you who have written in with it. (The strange sound is background audio during initial onboarding cards that aren’t rendering.)

Are you by chance running on a pretty old iOS device? If so do you have any newer/faster ones on hand? The pattern so far has been 7-10+ year old devices generally, and people with some giant lists (probably most often a main todo list with tons of completed items from over the years) that Clear appears to be choking on.

You can also iMessage me at phill@impending.com, I am around this weekend and might be quicker to figure out what we can there.