I deleted the introductory gesture list a while ago, and now occasionally forget a gesture I use infrequently… [oops haha]
Does a list of gestures/comprehensive how-to guide exist somewhere?
I deleted the introductory gesture list a while ago, and now occasionally forget a gesture I use infrequently… [oops haha]
Does a list of gestures/comprehensive how-to guide exist somewhere?
It’s not exhaustive but this I think is the gesture guide list copy:
Gesture Guide
Swipe right to check off!
Swipe further to set reminder
Pinch rows apart to insert
Pull down to add a thought
You can tap the top or bottom of list too
Drag and drop to sort
Swipe up to clear complete thoughts
Screenshot to Share list
Still curious? More in Rewards!
(Exit from My Lists)
Curious, I used to be able to long tap on a thought or entry and set a reminder time and date however, that doesn’t seem to work any longer. Am I doing something wrong or has that feature been changed or removed?
Hm not sure on the long tap (I think in 1.x it was simply an ‘add reminder’ label under every new item), but you can access it in 2.x by swiping right past checking something off.
Ah! Thank you phill