Font Request Thread

That seems like sound advice. I’ll hold back on distributing this one…

Obligatory disclaimer: I’m not a lawyer. But I am a dev, and would never consider using a piece of code/font/whatever without knowing that my bases are covered. Particularly not for anything that will see commercial use.

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Yeah I’ll be careful about this. Generally we did license for mobile app commercial usage or sourced from google’s free font collection.


Thanks for the tip, I can’t believe I’ve never heard of that one. I’m always on dafont

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Have you considered adding Espy Sans? It’s the last bitmap-only font made by Apple, used in the Newton and the iPod Mini.

Someone even tried to make a revival that kept its original spirit: Espy Sans Revived


The revival looks promising with its licensing! That’s cute that they reused it in iPod mini.

My dad had a Newton, I remember discovering it one day when I was a kid in its case and playing around with it for some time. Was thinking about it the other day while trying the Vision Headset :sweat_smile:


don’t know if this licensing works, but this would be great:

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Would like to see more fonts available in the app. Seems like most are all caps styled fonts, would like more traditional fonts that are unique in their own way. A bit more professional edge to them but at the same time nice to look at. Hope to see more font options in the shop soon?


Yeah it’s been a few weeks since I last went font shopping/hunting. The tough part is a lot of the ‘app licensing’ can be very expensive, so honestly there is a deal hunting/value side right now too. (Or if a free font and not on google fonts etc. can be difficult to vet that it’s 100% good for our use.)

If anyone is hungry for more fonts you might want to take a look through bundles on this site:

If there’s a good deal at the app licensing tier let me know! (Found a nice big discounted bundle a few weeks ago that ended up at like $20/font I think.)

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Did you get anywhere with the Game Boy font? :crossed_fingers::pray:

I have it downloaded but there has just been kind of a growing list of smaller things that we need to attack in a pass, probably wanted to sanity check on licensing for that one before we build it in and ship.

Right now there’s been a couple projects in the works behind the scenes that we’re trying to wrap up, List library and on-demand asset loading for graphic themes. (First event prep kept us pretty busy too.) Then I feel like we’re probably in a good place to catch a breath and catch up on some smaller things, some new rewards etc.?

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You’re definitely doing the right thing in checking the licensing for the font - I’m just glad to hear it’s still under consideration! Please don’t think I’m nagging for that font - I totally understand you must have a massive to-do list with all of the requests coming in and it’s relatively small-fry by comparison. But it would really make that loadout complete, so, y’know… :wink:

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I think it would be cool to have fonts by theme.

I really like (and have one) poster which is all about the Alphabet of Sci-Fi.

Would be cool to have this kind of approach by theme as a font :slight_smile:

There is a bunch more here: Alphabet of Sci-Fi - A-Z of Sci-Fi Print – Dorothy


Do you mean mixing fonts in one like that? Well, I think it would be possible if there was someone making a set like it that’s licensable etc.

It does give me ‘blackmail letter’ vibes, like cutting up and pasting letters together, font like that would be a fun one as well.

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Yeah. Those letters represent the movies, but there is one for music and such. As you do thematic shop days I think it would be fun :slight_smile:

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That’s pretty iconic. I am going to go ahead with a couple of these free fonts from, they do seem reasonably safe.

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