Do NOT delete your app if it crashes and other migration updates

Important point. I have a List in Cyrillic (Russian). It is possible that when exporting data (SQlite file) it corrupts it. Maybe. In the Sql editor I see only lines. It can be seen that these lines are my text notes.

The editor writes a different number of lines in each ID. But the text itself is missing. Perhaps I’m doing something wrong. Just in case. I sent you a database with all my data and passwords, it’s not scary, but I hope it won’t go beyond your office)

Update P.S. If I understand correctly, then with the extra data command you collect data about the operation of the program, but without the text of the List itself. The text is replaced with spaces. If there is a command that can save the application database with texts in an SQLlite file, then I would be very happy about it. I would be able to save all my data.