Undo for accidental swipes

Good day. I can’t count the number of times while testing I’ve accidentally swiped at an angle instead of straight up and watched items from my lists go away with no way to get them back. Could shake-to-undo be considered for issues like this, or am I just going to be told to swipe more carefully?


Or perhaps a Trash Can with a Restore from Trash option?

A setting in Settings to:

  • move deleted items (lists) to Trash Can
  • move deleted items (lists) to Archive

This would be great! Today I accidentally deleted a task and couldn’t remember what it was so this feature would be a real lifesaver!

It used to undo the last “delete” command by shaking the phone, but seems no more.

This has been fixed in the build released today - May 22nd, 2023, beta-build-8006

Confirmed. Good to have it back. Thank you!

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