If someone sends me a list in an SMS or iMessage, it would be great if I can just copy and paste that into an empty list in Clear. (really, extend to any copied text with new-line chars)
It should “paste” so that each word/sentence on a new line becomes a separate item in the list.
At the moment, if I copy a whole message and try paste into Clear, it puts it as a single list entry. Having it auto split by newline character into sperate list entries would be amazing!
You can also take a text snapshot of a Clear list, share it with another user for example, and they can then paste it into their Clear App (see Copy text in a List )
For what it’s worth: I just typed “Test[enter]This” into iA Writer, selected both lines, copied, went to Clear, started a new entry in a list, pasted, and Clear automatically turned them into two separate entries, one that says “Test” and one that says “This”. I did the exact same process from Messages.app and got the same result in Clear. I’m on the latest version of iOS and Clear. Hopefully it will work soon for you, too!