
I love that you can grab and drag multiple list items. But grabbing more than two is awkward. How about reworking so that the user grabs the first and last item desired, pauses, and clear auto selects the items between?

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This is a neat idea, though I will say you can currently rapidly tap to pick up a bunch of items in a row. I could see this particular condition accidentally triggering though so maybe we could consider something else, like while you have an item picked up you could ‘paint’ the others to pick up with a drag?

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I think the feature work okay as designed, even if it’s a little hard to get used to at first. I have to remind myself that I can use my LH to scroll+pick while my RH holds the list items. What would still be really useful is to have a greater pause time between opening new lists to move them to. As it is very easy to drop them in the wrong list by accident. (Perhaps, not opening destination lists at all when moving? Without the opening animation, you’d have greater control over which list you want to move the items to. Then you can reorganize them later.)


We’ll tweak the spring loading delay/timer today for the next TestFlight build. I’m with you on that being too trigger happy as is and it should be a simple value tweak.

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