Ios 6 friend, ios 6

Steve Jobs said that the most convenient diagonal is 3.5 inches.

The problem is that iphone 4s is slow on ios 8 (your app requires 8+).

As far as I know, your application was written in 2012 - this is the time of iOS 6.

You probably have versions that work on this operating system.

Can I install them dear friend?

It might be time to upgrade… maybe an iPhone mini? I’m not even sure we could build for iOS versions that old these days on modern Xcode!

iphone mini is much larger than 3.5".

can you offer iphone 5s. it has the same width as the 4s, but is much taller. This is inconvenient because I constantly swipe the task, which is located at the top of the screen.

wasn’t this app originally on ios 6? maybe it’s possible to host this version in Cydia?

If you find a copy somewhere of a version that old you are free to use it, but right now for new clear release we are 100% focused there! Gotta ship it reasonably soon as we promise and this would turn into a major detour.

are we talking about the same application? I’m interested in clear todos.

You’re talking about the previous version of the app. They are working on the newest release which will replace the earlier version of the app.
I doubt you’re going to find a dev hosting outdated versions of their retired apps on a jailbreak repo.

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Some say that there is a way to install apps that previously existed for ios 6.

To do this you need to have icloud on ios and computer.

  1. open iTunes ≤12.6 on your computer
  2. buy the app
  3. open the app store on iOS
  4. turn on search and find the application that you just installed on your computer
  5. а “cloud” icon will appear next to the program name, which you need to click on

The device itself will offer to download a compatible version of the application for your iOS.

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That vaguely tracks, don’t take my word for it but it sounds plausible. Definitely report back if you end up trying this and it works for you, in case someone else is in a similar situation.