Font and padding - lack of consistency!

You should start a specific topic for Tangential Ramblings! :grinning:

Now, back to font size hierarchy…!

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Yes. I started a new one.

Edit: moving this reply to the thread it belongs to.

I also wanted to express my hope for a future tightening up of the padding between different font size selections. There is a considerable amount of unused space above and below the font in each of the sizes. Would love to view more of my items per page vs. empty space. This wasn’t an issue when my lists were available between devices, on my iPad and Mac, the screens were big enough to see so much more…but with my tiny phone, I want to see more list and less space please. Thanks!

Where I’m at with this. While I still feel pretty committed to the ‘row height enlarges tied to app hierarchy’ design, I’m mostly wanting to stick to our guns in the context of new people coming to Clear from here on out. And we’re talking about how to address this for you all who miss the density in 1.x.

a) Will look at toning down the amount, especially for small/tiny font settings where clearly the people choosing them favor info density

b) We might be looking into a secret setting as a faster bandaid to offer in the next update or one after that, toggled via app url, to be distributed here and via support to the 1.x people missing this the most. That simply equalizes row heights to whatever is set for the list level.

Some of the bias towards chunkier fonts and padding – it is not to spite you all or to make it look childish, and Clear 1.0 was actually more like this too. I just really still hate typing a lot on the phone lol, and want to encourage people to be a little more concise with Clear because certainly typing in the right amount is a better experience than overtyping into it.

That’s why we keep tending to balance the defaults around bigger text that looks beautiful with some padding, we want to reward this kind of poetry. It feels beautiful when my todo list is just a list of single row items. Sometimes I overflow when I need to, but I like how it’s not built around long text entries as the center of gravity.

BUT the new personalization angle of Clear is where I see us threading this needle and accommodating what some of you really want like this too. It’s also not our intent to punish those of you who do favor denser info display, or with our strange history and context, grew attached to how Clear looked and felt to you over many many years of it staying the same, which I can totally understand is a dimension of coziness that we broke for this group.

We will do something about this. Clear 2.x is opinionated but, part of its strong opinion now is about giving you all some of the right tools and personalization options to make it cozy for you. Over time, I think we will get Clear 2.x to a place where with a little personalization it feels like a personally fitted glove, and even better fit than Clear 1.x which was more one size fits all.


Just wanted to show you from my view:
There is so much extra space above and below the top portion (lists) as well as the individual list names, that could be tightened for my lists.

Using an iPhone 15 Pro Max
I am using San Fran Rounded in Med & Small below:

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Ok hang on… something is off here! Is there a bug?!

This is what I see on medium SF Pro. As you can see there’s still padding on ‘My Lists’ level, but it appears way less than yours…

(I tried turning list counts on but that doesn’t affect row height for me as expected.)

Oh and look we are theme twins today.

But I’m kind of shook right now wondering if a bunch of you complaining about the row height actually… are experiencing some bug we had no idea of that is hugely exaggerating it. (!!)

@phillryu - thank you for sharing your view.

Based on that, I just discovered that the text size in Apple settings will affect the list appearance. Here are 3 examples.

Solved! Thanks

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Clear text size ‘tiny’ on iphone 12 pro with ios text size setting at 5 out of 7.

Thank you. Gosh I think a lot of the people really mad about this may have that setting turned on… I honestly wonder if our best fix is to simply disconnect from that iOS scaling for now, to simplify the whole situation. (And because we do offer bigger font size options for people who need that compared to other apps.)


To my mind you should disable ioS Dynamic Type within the app. Controlling the text size using the universal ios text size setting is a bad idea imho. It should be done in app with dedicated app settings.


Yeah this is what I’m leaning towards right now. Maybe there’s a more nuanced fix or supporting it later but right now it’s too problematic. Huge disconnect between intended design/presentation and what certain people are seeing. And this setting seems popular with people just for personalization, e.g. more than the population that requires it for accessibility.

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Wow. I either didn’t know or didn’t remember that iOS text setting was there, but it was set two notches above center. Setting it smaller is much better. However, fonts still scale up too much moving up through the hierarchy, and padding is still more than I like. But it’s a lot better with that system text scaling dialed down.

Oh, and list item counts are even more microscopic now, so all my previous complaints about that still stand. :smile:

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Yeah I kind of want to reset the slate with the iOS setting to start (by decoupling it in 2.1, we have plenty large font settings for people who need it I think vs. other apps?) Pretty sure a lot of the people most angry about row scaling might’ve had this turned up.

Will see if we can squeeze in a round of small/tiny row height scaling retuning too, since people picking those prefer info density.

Playing around with it, I must add I find that setting Apple’s text size to one notch below center combined with Clear’s Tiny font gives a basically perfect size for lists, and acceptable sizes moving up the hierarchy. Except, of course, for the list item count :mag: .

True, but that adjusting the iOS font size has the potential to mess up font sizes in other iOS apps! I hope that there can be a developer solution within the Clear app soon, as it’s evidently affecting a number of people. :slight_smile:

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I find that all the other affected apps look a lot better, actually. But the point of my comment here was to imply a desire to see a font choice in Clear that’s a size down from Tiny. Though rescaling the Clear fonts so that lists are the size of current unscaled Tiny, and upper levels of the hierarchy were the size of Tiny-but-one-iOS-Text-Size-notch-scaled-down would be fine as well.

I like the tidy look of the one-below-middle iOS and tiny Clear settings, but think my eyesight needs the middle/tiny combo :eyes::mag_right:

FWIW, prior to updating to New Clear, I screenshot my most precious lists in case they didn’t make the jump (didn’t know of a download/email-my-list alternative). Those shots show the text about the size of middle iOS/tiny Clear, with pretty big top and bottom margins on each line:

Not sure if I missed other text size settings in old Clear, so others may have had tinier text, but for me it’s an interesting comparison - New Clear looks a little tighter:

Every user will have their preferences, good to understand how to fine-tune them - thanks @MattT for your research! :face_with_monocle:

Lol. I’m just dinking around trying to find readable settings that minimize scrolling, and I didn’t even know about the system-wide text size slider before two days ago :rofl:

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