Experimenting with new type of themes for Clear

Speaking for myself only, the alignment is not important. I’m strictly in it for the vibe, not the organization :sweat_smile:

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Yes! That looks great.

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Has there been any consideration of integrating data from the WeatherKit REST API to dynamically influence theme colour/brightness? I ask as I was sat here looking out of the window at the rainy night sky, and I could not find a matching-coloured theme from the available options.

It occurred to me that you could potentially pull from the data that drives the Weather app to dynamically influence a gradient theme. So for example, the cloudier it is, the more grey could be introduced into the color palette. Clear skies deliver more blues. Sunny days add more yellow. Depending on the time of day, the theme would be brighter or darker etc etc.

Just a thought…

There’s fun potential with weather unlocks/rewards too, but I think there is a usage fee. (Maybe in our context it could be OK if it’s not like people’s multiple times a day checking the weather app.) When we get back to more fun stuff this is on the idea list at least.

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As long as I can clearly see my rows, like in a heatmap, I am good. I hope plenty of those options continue to be offered. Themes where I don’t see the rows are less preferred for myself. Thanks for everything!

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