Clear Thoughts! pull up without letting go of screen —> tap to enter new item with other hand bug

I recorded a video of it but this platform (Club) does not support the file format to upload.
I wanted to mail the file to support but the file is +25mb so that also doesn’t work.


How to reproduce:

Swipe a couple of items as done (finished, not delete) within a list,
—> pull up to "Clear Thoughts!” and let your list get all jiggly but don’t release yet/don’t let go of the screen,
—> instead tap to add a new item with your other hand (or nose),
—> you now can add new items over the still jiggling list
—> you can add items on top and below your added new item(s).
—> you can even finish and delete items as long as you don’t swipe up or down…

I hope you can get this to work(fail) without my video.

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Oh wow. It looks me a couple times to understand exactly the process, but yeah, I have a crossed off item that is continuing to wiggle while the rest of the list is static.

Yeah, it’s a fun one.

You can eventually still complete the “Clear Thoughts!” swipe by the way!

If you can pass me the link to the file as a dropbox or google drive link, I’ll post it to our youtube channel and link it here.