A Trash folder for deleted lists

I have a fear of deleting one of my more important lists which I painstakingly manage and is huge.

Could we please have a Trash (or a setting to enable deleted lists pushed into archive maybe) to make sure I can save my important lists? I know there’s a shake to undo which works, but it’s for instances when you don’t realise you’ve deleted a list until you notice it’s gone forever.


I think this could be a good idea, and similar for cleared items.

But for the initial release (we’re running out of time!) what we’ll do is enable a system popup when deleting a list with any items in it, so it requires a confirmation. Not super pretty, but feels like we should have some safety catch here for sure.


Thanks Phill, I didn’t even think of that. Yeah even a system pop up for confirmation will work great as a safety net.

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Maybe I mentioned earlier but can you @phillryu squeeze in a counter of checked off items at the very bottom of each list? Like: “256 items cleared” in some small size font with low opacity.

I do have some thoughts on stat tracking of some kind, but I guess there’s a few directions this could go. Could be framed as more longterm milestone rewards with unlocks. Or maybe we have a ‘Cleared Items’ list in the Archive that tracks? Etc. So I think we will explore this when we have a bit of space.

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Sounds good Phill! :grin:

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I agree this would be a great addition, especially since I just accidentally deleted a list with many, many items trying to determine how to personalize a list. Sigh.

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Agh. If it just happened try a shake to undo, that is rigged up to undo destructive actions. But yeah we will ship that confirmation popup to start.

I used Shake to Undo on an accidental list deletion. I think the Archive vs. Delete switch could be clearer. I feel dumb for not being able to tell but it comes off as a subtle distinction. A trash icon would be great. Or maybe the line could turn red


You’re right, the line should turn red on delete threshold. Missed that here, will add to fix/polish list.

Yeah… “deleted” lists could go to Archived first. And then if you want to truly delete, it could give you an “Are you sure” message.


Yah, that’s a nice solution